Computers Internet News Phones

Aigo P8860 MID Goes Live In Asia

First time we had a chance to see this amazing Atom-based MID (Mobile Internet Device) was back at the CES show in January, as Intel introduced its latest Menlow system on the Aigo devices. Now we hear that this amazing Aigo P8860 MID is about to go live in Hong Kong with a 800MHz Atom Z500 processor, a 4.8-inch display, Bluetooth, Wifi, microSD slot expansion, 4GB SSD storage capacity, sliding QWERTY keyboard, GPS navigation system and HSPDA, running on MIDLinux system, also known as Midinux. Prices start at $5,228 HKD ($679) and a Windows XP version is expected later on. Stay tuned for more to come. Meanwhile, checkout the video after the break.

Update: September 29th – The Aigo P8860 makes a worldwide debut, via an official reseller, named Direct From Japan. Just log in and order your device from all over the world, for $699 (including free shipping).

[via Pocketables]

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