Applications Mobile

Best Apps for Students – Infographic


Studying and revising can be a chore. Working towards achieving a qualification is the focus for many and it can be difficult to stay focussed. Keeping on top of assignments and study is challenging and it certainly requires an element of determination, concentration and perseverance.

It is important to find what works best for you in terms of study. Some people find they work best alone in a quiet room while others need to work in groups. Sometimes it’s healthy to get a mix of both. Studying in groups can be useful if for example, you are struggling on some aspect of a course and require some guidance from others. They can learn from you as you discuss the topic and you expand your knowledge and understanding of the subject.

In order to keep stress at bay when studying, it’s important to eat a balanced diet. Try not to fall into the trap of eating easy to prepare junk food because your body will need all the nutrients in order to ensure your study is good. Being organised in all aspects of your student life is really important and will stand to you in the long run. Panic studying never works well so try to plan out your study times well in advance of exams or final assignments.

Make good use of your lecturers and tutors and ask for their assistance if you are finding a particular subject difficult. Expressing interest will show your enthusiasm and dedication and they will admire this and will be willing to offer your help for those tough areas.

This infographic from Study Medicine Europe is a handy guide for students of apps that they can download to their phone or tablet that will assist in making their studying and revision work more efficient. Check it out below.


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