Computers Hardware Video

Dell's Mini 9 Netbook Gets a 128GB SSD Modding

We all wish for bigger and faster hard drives inside our laptops (particularly in Dell’s Mini 9 netbook) and the guys at Jkkmobile have proved us again it’s “easy” and possible to get better ones, specially if you have any electronic affinity or DIY passion. Although this modding process might intimidate many of you, there’s nothing sensational to be done besides the unscrewing and replacing actions, which are considered to be the facile part, while putting things back together is the “more difficult” stage in the process, but those who read these lines probably won’t mind watching the video after the break.

[via jkkmobile]



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Internet freak and technology geek; Aspiring screenwriter, devoted tech blogger & Technologer chief editor . Early adopter with a keen interest in gadgets, technology, internet and mobile.
    • 14 years ago

    nice one!