Mobile Phones

How Do Brits Use Their iPhone? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you ever wondered what people do on their mobile phones, and what exactly do they use them for? Yeah, well me too. Thankfully, we were given the opportunity to get a glimpse of the iPhone usage in the UK and the way the Brits interact with their mobile iDevices (AKA: Apple iPhones). From what we know and learn, the citizens of the United Kingdom still prefer communicating by voice with family and friends over sending and receiving text or multimedia messages; although SMS is still very popular at this part of the Western world. But the pattern of use remains traditional. Most interesting, though, are the facts that British men take more selfies than British women, and that 69% of the people of London use their iPhone while sitting on the toilet. 

Take a look at this infographic by UK’s fastest growing mobile network, Three, to find out more about their habits. 

A Snapshot Of UK’s iPhone Habits

View the iPhone 5s on Three

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