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How Smartphones Changed In-Store Shopping

When online retail first became popular it was very much its own entity. Bricks and mortar retailers may have feared it but it was a separate thing. Back then, very few would ever have envisaged how big a role the internet would play in offline retail.

As this infographic from The CUBE outlines, more and more retail sales are being influenced by mobile devices. Many of you will likely be part of the 53% of retail sales that were influenced by a mobile device in 2016. You may have seen a product in a store and done a quick Google on your phone to find out a little more information. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will buy the product online and you may just want to get a little more information on the product before buying it in-store.

Therefore, retailers shouldn’t worry about the increasing use of mobile phones in-store. Their use can often help persuade a customer to buy a product in your store! Find out more information in the infographic.

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