Computers News

Lenovo To Release The New IdeaPad S10 Ultra-Mini Laptop

Another ultra-mini notebook joins the group, as Lenovo officially announces the release of the new IdeaPad S10, coming up Stateside in early October with a Windows XP operating system, Powered by Intel Atom processor, together with a 10-inch LED backlit display (1024 x 600). In addition, the new IdeaPad features an integrated multi-touch touchpad, a built-in 1.3M Camera, 4 in 1card Reader, Bluetooth, wireless 802.11 b/g connection and 3 cell / 6 cell battery, delivering 3 to 6 hours, respectively. Lenovo will be offering the S10 in different configurations, including a 512MB memory with 80GB storage capacity for $399 or a 1GB model with 160GB capacity for $450. You will be able to choose out of red black or white flavors and Lenovo promises to launch a 9-inch version with Linux OS aboard in other countries, later on. Meanwhile, checkout the quick video after the break.

[via businesswire]

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