Computex News tablets

LG UX10 tablet Makes First Appearance at Computex 2010

Details scarce at the moment, but this is definitely an exciting time to join the tablets parade, and LG is one of the many companies that currently seek to do so. Need a proof? Check out its latest LG UX10, which undoubtedly belong to this burgeoning category, with that 10.1-inch LED capacitive touchscreen (not very responsive at the moment), featuring an Intel Atom Z530 processor under the lid, tucked with 1GB of DDR2 RAM, 802.11b/g/n WiFi, an SD card slot, a micro-HDMI output, 1.3mp camera and Windows 7 Home Premium for the OS – yes, it runs a Microsoft platform inside. Price and availability are yet to be determined, but a short hands-on video is right after the break.

[via engadget]

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