Computers Internet

Meizu Android-Powered ‘M-One’ Tablet Teams Up With avatar, Aims To Destroy The iPad

At this point there are more images than details, and frankly we have no Idea whether they’re real or not – although we have our doubts, if you’re asking, especially when it comes to the Avatar image below, I mean seriously do you guys want to mess up with Hollywood IP lawyers or what? On the other hand, if they were real then Meizu might have gone official with it, no? Anyway, until we prove different, you all should know it’s called M-one (at least that’s what they say), looks like a slim tablet device and claims to have everything that Apple iPad lacks, including a built-in camera, multi-tasking platform, Android operating system and whitish charming design. Regretfully, there’s no word about price or availability at the moment, but that as a fact doesn’t seem to bother Mr. james cameron himself, eh? Hit the link for more images.

Update: It’s fake. Meizu CEO J.Wong said he won’t be launching an iPad killer soon. He also said:

“Stop the photoshop work, I have no interest to create a big MP4! Isn’t the shame enough?”

[via pconline]

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