Computers News

Microsoft’s Multi-Touch Courier Tablet Pops Up In The Wild, Brings WOW effect Into The Room

So the guys at Gizmodo were lucky and generous at the same time, to share with us the future of touchscreen tablet PCs, the way it looks through Redmond’s eyes. The “top-secret” model that was surprisingly exposed out of the labs called the Courier, and seems to portray a sort of a futuristic booklet prototype that presumably packs dual 7-inch displays that can be used either with a stylus pen or multitouch gestures. A built-in 3MP camera seems to be included as well at the back cover, while “home” button is  placed at the middle, sending users back to default page whenever they want. Charging mode is believed to be inductive (like Palm Pre’s Touchstone), while both external design and UI platform are said to be made in collaboration with outsourced agencies. The rest unfortunately is still considered enigmatic, but to get a sense of feeling just hit the jump, watch the video and start dreaming.

Update1: ZDNet guys are saying the entire Courier platform is hovering a Windows 7 OS (although you can’t install Windows 7 apps on it) , and that the mission is being defined as “an incubation project” which aims to go live somewhere on mid-2010.

Update2: Engadget says the Courier will function as a “digital journal”, based on that gorgeous Windows Zune HD platform we’ve seen before, powered by Tegra 2 chipset (no official confirmation yet). We’ve added two  HD videos of that revolutionary interface. check them out, after the break.


[via Gizmodo]


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