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OpenAI Releases GPT-4 AI System That powers ChatGPT & Bing

OpenAI Releases GPT-4: A Multimodal AI That Can See and Write

OpenAI, a research organization backed by Microsoft, has just announced the release of its latest artificial intelligence model, GPT-4. GPT-4 is a large multimodal model that can accept both text and images as input and generate text outputs based on them. It exhibits human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks, such as law exams, code generation, and language translation.

What is GPT-4 and what can it do?

GPT-4 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4, which is the fourth iteration of OpenAI’s series of large language models that use deep learning to learn from massive amounts of text data. GPT-4 has 1.5 trillion parameters, which is 10 times more than its predecessor, GPT-3.5.

GPT-4 is trained on a diverse dataset of text and images from the web, covering topics such as news, books, social media, Wikipedia, and more. It can generate coherent and fluent text on almost any topic given a prompt or a query. For example, it can write an essay about climate change, a summary of a book, or a product review.

But what makes GPT-4 different from previous models is that it can also accept images as input and generate text based on them. This means that it can perform tasks such as:

  • captioning photos
  • describing sketches
  • or creating websites from mock-ups.
  • It can also combine text and images to generate multimodal outputs such as memes or comics.

GPT-4’s capabilities are an improvement over the previous model, GPT-3.5, in terms of reliability,
creativity, and handling of nuanced instructions.

OpenAI tested the model on various benchmarks, including simulated exams designed for humans, and found that GPT-4 outperformed existing large language models. It also performs well in languages other than English, including low-resource languages such as Latvian, Welsh, Hebrew and Swahili.

How can you use GPT-4?

OpenAI has made GPT-4 available to developers and researchers through its ChatGPT platform and its API (with a waitlist). ChatGPT is a chatbot service that allows users to interact with GPT-4 using natural language. Users can choose from different personas and topics to chat with GPT-4 or ask it questions. The API allows developers to integrate GPT-4 into their own applications and customize its behavior using parameters such as temperature (creativity), top-p (diversity), frequency penalty (repetition), presence penalty (topic drift), stop sequence (end token), etc.

OpenAI has also been working on each aspect of the plan outlined in its post about defining the behavior of AIs,
including steerability. Developers and programmers can now describe the AI’s style and task in the “system” message. A great deal of personalization is possible for API users within bounds, allowing them to customize their users’ experiences.

What are the limitations and risks of GPT-4?

Even though GPT-4 offers many advantages over earlier models, it still has some limitations. Using language model outputs in high-stakes contexts should be done with caution since it can still “hallucinate” facts and make reasoning errors.
GPT-4 does not know about events after September 2021, so it can make simple reasoning mistakes
Assume false statements to be true and accept them as true. Moreover, its code might introduce security issues when confronted with challenging problems like humans.

There are times when GPT-4 makes confident, but incorrect predictions, and its work is not always thoroughly checked. The base model is good at predicting the accuracy of its answers, but this ability decreases after post-training. Despite GPT-4’s benefits, it poses new risks, including the generation of harmful advice and buggy code, or missing information.

OpenAI has made many changes to GPT-4 to make it safer than GPT-3.5 and has been working to mitigate risks.
For example:

* It uses filters to block harmful content such as hate speech or personal attacks;
* It uses alignment techniques to ensure that its outputs are consistent with human values;
* It uses transparency tools to provide provenance information for its outputs;
* It uses feedback mechanisms to allow users to report errors or abuse;
* It uses governance structures to oversee its development

Microsoft Announces an Update to Bing Which Integrates ChatGPT Models into it

Microsoft announces It’s new iteration of AI-powered Bing homepage that enables its users to ask, explore and have conversations with the latest and greatest  technology of OpenAI’s engine model which it calls: Your new Co-pilot to the web.

To those who still haven’t heard, ChatGPT is a conversational language model developed by a company called OpenAI. It uses a state-of-the-art natural language processing model that has been trained on a massive amount of data and designed to generate human-like responses to text inputs in variety of styles and different human tones., making it useful for applications such as chatbots and virtual assistants.

Link to try the new Bing Experience HERE, click !

Microsoft is only providing access to a limited version of the new Bing conversation experiences for now. In the future, however, you will be able to use the browser and AI conversations to their full potential.

New features include more accurate search rankings, more added-value content for your search queries, and a chatbot that will act as a smart assistant.

In the demo, we’ve seen many interesting examples of how the Open AI chatbot integrates with Bing and answers questions submitted by users


But the company has added some ready-to-use cases to explore as well:

Things like:

  • Write a rhythming poem
  • How to create a three course menu.
  • How to get fit.
  • Help create a quiz.
  • Help in writing a code.
  • Write a rhyming poem or essay.
  • Creating an itinerary for  a party.
  • Search for a fast big car

And more..


With the new and improved Bing, powered by AI and wrapped in a Microsoft-developed safety system called Prometheus, users can join a waitlist that hopefully extends its availability and use in the coming weeks. The new and improved Bing is available in limited preview mode for desktops only today.

Highlights from Bing and Microsoft Edge's February 2023 Event


Step by Step on How to Optimize Any Content for Search Engines

Search engine optimization is arguably the most crucial part of the content game, after content itself. Search engines and content are two peas in a pod; your audience uses search engines to find the answers you create content to provide. If you’re not visible on search engines, your ideal audience can’t see the great content you’ve put out or convert to paying customers.

Search engine optimization is what you need if you’re trying to bring in new audiences; remember, great content is nothing if it doesn’t reach the people who need it. Moreover, more reads mean more leads and ultimately, more money for you. If your content keeps coming up when people search for related keywords, they’d be more inclined to trust and patronize you. In this article, we show you how to optimize content for search engines in a few easy-to-apply steps.

Create Your Content Strategy with SEO in Mind

A common mistake people make is that they create good content strategies but leave out search engine optimization. SEO isn’t just a promotional tool to bring in after you’ve created content; it should be the basis of your content strategy.

A good content strategy is premised on keyword and user intent research to find out what your target audience wants, what they’re likely to search for, and how you can meet these needs. When your content strategy begins with this, it’ll be much easier to create optimized content and rank on Google’s algorithm.

Create High-quality Content

After you’ve created your SEO based content strategy, the next step is to create high-quality content that’s relevant to the keywords you use. To calculate the relevance of your post and rank it, Google’s algorithms also check user experience and how long visitors stay on your page. If users typically leave your page within a few seconds of opening it, Google will mark your page as being irrelevant and give it a low rank.

Pro Tip: When you create high-quality content, your readers are likely to share it with their network, contact you for further information, and be willing to pay for your services.

To create high-quality content, pick out 1-2 long-tail keywords (more on this below) to center your post on. With the keywords in mind, you can create organically optimized content. When you have a clear and narrow topic – because you’re answering a particular question instead of writing broadly – it’s easier to create content where the keywords flow naturally.

Incorporate Long-tail Keywords that Match the User Intent

Ranking on SEO isn’t about using as many keywords as possible; in fact, using many keywords can hurt your SEO because Google considers this keyword stuffing, i.e. using many keywords to aid ranking. Using many keywords also takes away from the user experience, which is something Google uses to check if you meet the needs of your visitors.

What you want to do is focus on a few long-tail keywords (phrases with 3-4 words) that your reader is likely to search. This helps you keep the focus of your post narrow enough, so you spend your time optimizing for a few keywords and keep you focused on answering a particular question your reader has.

When you focus on long-tail keywords – which are usually question based – you’re more likely to attract visitors who will read your entire post, and have a higher chance of converting and earning you money.

Include the Chosen Keywords in Specific Areas of Your Post

There are certain essential areas of your post where you should include your keywords; these are your Title tag, URL, meta description, headers and body.

Your title tag is the first contact the Search Engine, and the readers have with your post. It’s how they know if your post is relevant to the search. Google’s algorithms cut off your title tag after the first 60 characters, so ensure you put the keywords in the first 60 characters of your title tag.

Your URL, unique to every post, is another thing search engines look at to know what your post is about and rank it. Take advantage of your ability to customize your URL to optimize it for SEO by including as many as two keywords in it.

A meta description is the short description of a page that comes up on SERPs. This can be a section of your post with the relevant keyword or a specially curated summary. When writing your meta description, include your long-tail keywords, try to answer the question the reader is asking without giving so much away that they don’t need to open your page anymore. Also, keep in mind that meta descriptions are cut off after the first 300 characters so keep your copy straight and to the point.

Your keywords should be included in your headings and throughout your copy in organic ways that won’t come across as keyword stuffing and get you penalized. Focus on providing the information your readers need, and you’ll find that the keywords flow naturally into the text, whether directly or with synonyms.

Create Keyword Clusters

Since you’re focusing on 1-2 long-tail keywords per post, you won’t be able to speak about a topic in one post completely. This is where keyword clusters come in. What this means is that instead of having several posts with similar keywords who’d have to compete for ranking, you’d have a group of posts with the same primary keyword but different long-tail keywords, so they don’t compete for ranking on the same SERPs.

Using keyword clusters also drives traffic to several pages on your blog with just one search. How does this work? Well, the posts in the cluster – since they answer specific questions regarding a broad topic – would link to each other. Therefore, if a reader wants to know more, he’d be inclined to click on the hyperlink to your other posts. In essence, you’re getting views on several posts from one search engine query.


Optimizing your content for search engines is like the proverbial journey of a thousand miles; it begins with your first step. It can seem like a daunting task, but once you start, it gets easier. Remember to keep the focus on creating content your readers want to see and not on search engine visibility. Once you provide useful content and implement the right strategy, visibility is sure to follow.

Why Your Site Desperately Needs Search Engine Optimization

You have probably heard about search engine optimization (SEO). From a scientific point of view, search engine optimization is a series of steps aimed at increasing the site’s search results. By using SEO, you can list new user sites quite high on search engine sites. High-ranking websites can be found on the first available search engine page, while lower-ranking websites can be found several pages down.

Today, Internet users are impatient and refuse to search for information for more than a few minutes. Content that cannot be found is useless. Your site needs information that can be found easily. According to HigherVisibility, it is important for online companies to optimize their website SEO.

6 Important Elements of SEO

• Your Target Audience & Niche

• Research Keywords

• Intent of User

• Analytics and Reporting

• Mobile and Technical  SEO

• Crawling and Indexing

Why optimize your company’s SEO?

The Internet has been used mainly to collect information, but the situation has changed significantly. The growing number of Internet users and new technologies is a good marketing tool with many other factors. The growth of e-commerce, for example, shows that Internet technology can benefit website owners.

For any Internet user seeking similar goods or services, online advertising may be useful. Statistics show that more than a third of Americans are Internet users. With an online presence, a company is more attractive and accessible to the public. Consider this, there may be thousands of people every day looking for your products, but because your website lacks SEO, they buy from your competitors instead of you.

This is not necessarily because your competitors are better, their site has just found an effective way to top search engines. As hard as it might look, high rankings are not rocket science. Your website can also use search engines to get lots of traffic. It only requires a little optimization.

Does my site have to be the first result on search engines?

The answer, yes. There are many reasons why you need your site to rank in the top 5 sites. First and foremost, being highlighted on search engines in this way links your business to being one of the most famous companies in your city. A customer often gets a great first impression and can plan to visit your business based solely on the visibility of your site.

Your prestigious rank gives customers greater confidence in your company, even if they have never experienced your service personally. This method seems stereotypical but works almost 100 percent of the time. That is why SEO supports and often uses this stereotype to its advantage. Major sites are usually seen as the most prestigious company with the best service.

Secondly, many people will be interested in a first-page ranking site simply because Internet users are impatient. It is well known that 95% of Internet users do not look beyond the first 10 sites on the results page, so the higher the rank, the bigger the traffic. With a website on the fourth page of your search engine, you’re almost guaranteed to have a failed online business. The fourth page typically attracts less than 2 percent of Internet users. Consistently aim for the top five search results, and you can’t go wrong.

Why does the list of requirements matter?

The optimization of search engines requires time and money and the involvement of a number of experts, including customer experts. Your site cannot be on a competitive market to ensure rapid results. The promotion doesn’t stop, even after a site is secured in the top ranks. The content must be updated regularly.

Search engines also rank sites according to how much time a user spends on a page, but a large amount of text does not attract visitors. Actually, it’s known to do the opposite. Some good ways to keep your visitors’ attention would be to use thematic videos, high-quality photography and info-graphs to divide the articles into blocks. Quality content must be created, but you don’t have to do all the work alone. Experts, authors, publishers, designers, and photographers are available on freelance websites to help you add a new online article with at least 5,000 characters or more every two weeks.