Tag Archives: firmware 1.1.4

Cowon's O2 Media Player Gets a New Beta Firmware & SDK Package

Cowon is surprising with a new SDK (software development kit) release for its O2 PMP. The Korean company has decided to follow the trend and allow developers to build their own 3rd party applications, thanks to the emulator, which enables the testing feature without having an O2 device around. In addition, Cowon has also released a new beta firmware version 1.14 that improves video usability, upgrades image transition and continuous playback, along with wallpaper-support and some other neat stuff.

Both SDK package and the new beta firmware are available in here.

[via GenerationMP3]

iPhone firmware 1.1.4 Gets an Easy Jailbreak

To all of you, iPhone owners, who have already updated their device to v1.1.4,  good news are coming from Zibri’s direction, as  ZiPhone 2.5 was just released, providing easy and fast jailbreak solutions to your handsets. As always, be careful and follow the instructions, step-by-step.

Available to download here.

Update: ZiPhone version 3.0 is available for download in here. There is another software called iLiberty which i don’t recommend since it causes a lot of problems.


[ZiPhone via gmp3]

Firmware Update v1.1.4 For iPhone & iPod Touch Goes Live

Apple releases a new firmware update for the iPhone and the iPod Touch devices. Version 1.1.4 seems to be a “Bug fixer” and not the big and awaited SDK application. It is hard to spot  substantial changes, and we barely can find any visible modification, but those who had no patient, report no damages, even with a jailbroaken phones. My advice is to skip this one and wait for the “real deal”. If you can’t hold yourself, you can download the 162.1MB file via iTunes


[via engadget]