Tag Archives: icd vega tablet

ICD's Android-Based Ultra Tablet Unveiled Before Its Time, With a Tegra T20 CPU And 4GB Drive

For some reason, we have that strange feeling it would be hard convincing you to read new stuff about yet another tablet machine which suppose to come out “somewhere next month”. That said, we did find that whenever a magic word such as Android is being included in the draft, we tend to get high rates of inbound traffic, rather than sparse. In a hope that our beloved readers will always have enough, we’d like to introduce you one more tablet device that should be added to your holidays wish list raff. And looking into details, the new culprit carries the ICD brand and tagged as Ultra, but also features an ambient light sensor and a snappy android-based system – in fact, it’s an Android 2.0 prototype which performs impressively, considering its early stage, and responsible for that is the top-notch lineup that was stuffed under the 7-inch resistive touchscreen cage, amongst you can find a 1GHz Tegra T20 CPU, paired with an HDMI output, 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage capacity, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.1 and 1.3MP camera on front of the hub, however for merely $249, you should expect receiving USB 2.0, microSD slot and even a built-in accelerometer for landscape image grab. Stay tuned.

Update: Looks like ICD’s Android tablet Vega (this is the name) just turned official and soon be offered by T-Mobile UK as what appears to be a kitchen tablet, sporting a 15-inch display which can easily handle your 1080p video stack . Not to mention that Android platform, running in the back and the batch of apps like media player, web browser, IM and contacts, included in the pack. PR message after the jump.


[via engadget; Recombu]

Continue reading ICD's Android-Based Ultra Tablet Unveiled Before Its Time, With a Tegra T20 CPU And 4GB Drive

ICD Vega Tablet Is Set To Start Its Journey In 2010, Powered By Android 2.0

Yes, you’re probably fed up with all those mids and tablets we’ve been constantly pumping you, up and down, in recent months. But life, as you may know, still goes on and technology as you’ve already learned, keeps moving forward. One of those newbies – representing the new portable era – is ICD’s 16mm thick Vega Tablet machine, claimed to see light across the globe in the first half of 2010, packing either  7-, 11-, or 15-inch 1366 x 768 resistive touchscreens at your choice, with no visible price tags, seen in the horizon. Besides that, this slick Android 2.0-powered device features powerful NVIDIA Tegra graphics chipset, sitting next to 3G WWAN, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.1 connections, while memory is at 512MB DDR RAM and storage capacity stands at 512MB only. Battery will serve you up to 4 hours lifetime, as a microSD slot and USB 2.0 host are also being included. See you next, at the coming CES show, with further more details.


[Innovative Converged Devices]