General Media Players

Nike + SportBand Trainer Goes Live Officialy

After many rumors floating around, the Nike+ SportBand device is coming.

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Audio Media Players

Creative To Release an X-FI Dock For iPods

Creative wants to extend its audio lineup, introducing the X30, an.

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Audio Media Players

iPod Shuffle Gets Diamonds and Gold For a Good Cause

Hey boys… hey girls, iPod Shuffle gets inlaid. This 18 Karat.

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Hardware Media Players

iPod Video 5G Gets A Bluetooth Modification

Fifth generation 30GB iPod Video owners, who wish to add a.

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Mobile Music

iPod Shuffle: New 1GB Price New 2GB Model

It’s super Tuesday, and Apple has a new announcement to make..

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Accessories Audio General

E-Light Sports A Lamp And Stereo Speakers In One Place

E-Light is an indoor/outdoor entertainment light, featuring  high-output LED lights, providing.

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Accessories General Media Players Mobile Phones

Novodio Miniplug Helps Charging Your iPod On The Go

This new USB mini-plug adapter from Novodio can easily connect your.

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CES Hardware Video

Pinnacle Video Transfer Device

Pinnacle is about to unveil a new video transfer box, at.

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Media Players

Media Players Audio Rank 2007

Generationmp3 have decided to rank 12 media players according to their.

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