Tag Archives: McCain

John McCain Snatches a Piece Of Music, Made By an Obama Supporter, For His Campaign Ad

Originally written on June 22nd:

John McCain is a war hero, no doubt, but if you have seen his latest campaign ad, you might have had a deja-vu feeling. The reason for that is the commercial’s background music, originally created for EA’s Medal Of Honor:European Assault by Christopher Lennertz, an Obama supporter, who wasn’t pleased to see his videogame composition, used in McCain’s campaign, without any granted authorization. Still, Lennertz made it very clear that there was just a mix-up over rights, and nothing illegal took place. To read Lennertz official statement on the McCain ad, hit the jump.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/J1OUxBvlLr0" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[via kotaku]

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