Tag Archives: version 2.20

PS3 Firmware Update 2.20 Enables Full Blu-ray 2.0 Capabilities

sony-ps3The upcoming PS3 firmware update, will bring some substantial improvements to the game console. According to Sony, version 2.20, which is just days from launch, will feature Blu-ray spec 2.0 and BD-Live capabilities that include online downloading of video content, ringtones and interactive movies or audio. In addition, you will be able to copy to your PSP photos and music playlists via USB connection. The update will also add movies bookmarking function, so you can return back to the exact point and resume play from where you left off. Furthermore, “Audio Output Device” function will enable the PSP console to serve as a remote control for music played through the PS3. Check the full details after the break.

Update: users will be able to copy Blu-Ray movies directly from the PS3 to the PSP.

Update 2: update one turns to be untrue.

[via gizmodo]

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