Computers News

UMID's M2 Mini Netbook Device Sprouts Out Loud With Windows 7 Inside

Korean company UMID didn’t have much of a success when first launched its 4.8-inches M1 mini netbook version, a few months ago. But now, after finally fixing up some of the main issues that turned its first round somehow repelled, a new edition, which carries the name “M2” has risen up from the dark, and is now ready to be rolled out somewhere towards the end of the year, for a much cheaper price of $499 (instead of $765). First thing you’ll notice is the screen, that apparently flips out and turns widely open on the M2 (thanks to the new hinge), compared to its very angle-limited predecessor. This fact will help new M2 users hold the unit comfortably in their hands and type the keyboard in a more convenient way than previously done. Other thing you might be noticing, is the real USB port that was hooked to UMID’s M2 revamped chassis, which doesn’t necessarily require any dongles to connect. Besides that, the company has also integrated an optical mouse, that seats on front of the M2 bezel frame, while both left-right buttons were placed to the left. As for internal specs, you get to choose between 1.2 or 1.6GHz Intel Atom processors, which will presumably operate under the much expected Windows 7 OS and a larger 1GB of RAM. Other than that, UMID will probably stick to most of the parts, included in M1, but that’s for us to find out in the coming months. Until then, checkout Chippy’s recent introduction video right after the break.

Update: Turns out UMID M2 is now known as Onkyo BX, but besides the re-branding process nothing substantial has really changed. It still has that Intel 1.2GHz Atom Z515 processor, along a 4.8-inch 1024 x 600 LCD, a 32GB SSD and 512MB of memory. Design remains the same as well, so does the price – ¥64,800, or $730. One more image after the jump.

[Via jkkmobile]



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