Mobile News Phones

Samsung Announces The Soul Ultra Edition Cellphone

Samsung unveils the Soul, a new 12.9mm quad-band GSM HSDPA slider,.

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General Media Players News

Creative Zen 32GB Gets A Price Cut

Almost 2 months after Creative released the upgraded Zen 32GB, the.

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Media Players Mobile Music News Phones Video

iPhone 16GB & iPod Touch 32GB Officialy Released

Super Tuesday is a big US political celebration but also Apple’s.

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Internet News

Microsoft Wants To Acquire Yahoo For 44.6$ Billion

Rumors come true, Microsoft submitted an official offer to buy Yahoo.

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Media Players Mobile Music News Phones Video

Garmin Introduces The Nuvifone Smartphone Device

Garmin announces the release of the Nuvifone, a new 3.5G GSM.

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Computers News

Asus Eee PC 9" Get Touchscreen

Following the enormous success of the Eee PC, Asus announced a.

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Computers News

Macworld 2008: Apple Introduced The MacBook Air Notebook

It’s here, rise and shine, the new MacBook Air, world’s thinnest.

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Hardware Media Players News Video

Macworld 2008: Apple Introduced The Apple TV Take II Edition

This is not a new hardware, just a free extensive software.

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Hardware News

Macworld 2008: Apple Unveiles The Time Capsule Backup Server

This wireless drive will backup all your Leopard OSX Time Machine.

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Computers Events News

Macworld 2008: Keynote Summary

Macworld’s opening day answered all our anticipations, with 5 major announcements.

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Applications News Video

iTunes' Movie Rental Service To be Announced Next Week

Apple is about to announce on a new movie rental service.

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CES General News Video

CES 2008: Mitsubishi Introduced A Laser TV

So far, we’ve seen many product upgrades at the CES show,.

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CES Computers News

CES 2008: iRiver Wing UMPC

Is the new iRiver Wing UMPC reminding you something? Well…If you.

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Applications Mobile News Video

CES 2008: Intel's Menlow System Showing Up

One of the hottest issues at the CES is the MID.

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Accessories CES News

CES 2008: Logitech DiNovo Mini Wireless Keyboard Fits Your Living Room

This new stylish keyboard, from Logitech, is one of my favorite.

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