Applications Computers News Software

iPad App Store Screenshots Unveiled

Feel you’re running out of patient to get your new lavish iPad device? Already searching for content to fill it with? In that case, prepare to spend big bucks on this track, because according to these Apple iPad App Store screenshots that recently emerged, they won’t come cheap. In fact, only 8 applications out of the leaked images are free, while others will cost from few greenish dollars and up to $49.99(!) when it comes to OmniGraffle – at least there’s more functionality there, and apparently those apps would likely fetch a lot more money for developers rather than iPhone’s apps. One more detailed image after the break, to serve your appetite.

Update1: Checkout the cool video after the break and watch the iPad App Store browsing experience for yourselves.

Update2: Now it’s official, iPad apps cost a lot more than iPhone and iPod touch apps. In fact, for some of them you’ll have to pay more than double in order to enjoy the experience of a larger screen – but that wouldn’t probably stop Apple’s fanboys from getting one – would it? According to the good guys at The Consumerist who dug up this issue thoroughly, the price differences between equivalent applications on both devices is ridiculously bigger when you come to get’em for your soon-to-be-available Apple tablet compared to the ones you’d get for the cellphone machine. How big, you’re asking? $4.99 Flight Control HD vs. $0.99 Flight Control or $2.99 Flick Fishing HD against $0.99 Flick Fishing, etc. Overall, you’d have to pay $53 for iPad apps compared to JUST $27 on an iPhone or iPod Touch for the same list exactly. Checkout the comparing table right after the break.

Update3: And looks like the iPad apps are finally live at the Apple app store [iTunes Link], with 1,000 of them, already available for download/purchase, and many others which are yet to come. Prepare to open your wallets, it ain’t gonna be cheap, you know.

[via App Annie]


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