
Bitdefender BOX: An Easy Way to Keep All Your Smart Devices Secure

It’s the age of being smart. Not only in our thinking, but our devices have also become smart and have made our lives more convenient. However, with technology has come the fear of being intruded upon. Yes, there are many individuals who are waiting to hack your devices and unfortunately, you do not have anything major to stop them with. This is until you decide to invest your money in a Bitdefender BOX, which provides security to your smart devices. Below, we discuss how it does that.


Finds out weak points

First and foremost, Bitdefender BOX finds out how vulnerable your devices are and tells you how to remove those vulnerabilities. As a reputed IoT security solution Bitdefender BOX uses data from online sources to yield you this information.

Prevents attacks and stops exploitation

The Bitdefender BOX knows from where an intrusion can happen and it tell you what those weak points are. It also protects you against repeated forceful entry to access your passwords. There could be unlimited attempts to attack you but this device limits them. This means that once the ceiling of forced attacks is reached the box would halt automated probing.

Finds out anomalies

Bitdefender BOX will continually analyze your smart devices. When it notices any kind of suspicious activity it promptly notifies you about it. This in no way would affect the way your system is going to operate.

Blocks websites

With the assistance of a  free IoT scanner the Bitdefender BOX can also let you know which websites are prone to be infected by malware. So if you are planning to open any of the websites, the device would let you know and save you from getting your device infected.

Identification of phishing attempts

The Bitdefender BOX has a whole list of malicious links that it keeps for reference. It doesn’t matter which device you are working on. If you have reached a link which is a copy of the original link the BOX would detect and block its usage immediately. This way you know that your devices remain stay safe no matter what happens.

Protects your data

Sometimes you log in to websites which ask for your personal details. However, not all such websites are reliable and unknowingly you can give them the chance to take advantage of your data. Bitdefender BOX knows if the website can be trusted with this data or not and informs you so that you can stop yourself from making a huge mistake.

Takes care of all your devices

It is not as if the BOX would take care only of your laptop or computer. Whatever smart devices you have in your home will fall under the care of this device, and this means you get peace of mind, which is unbeatable. What’s more, if someone else comes to your home and uses his device with your Wi-Fi then he or she also receives the Bitdefender protection.


Bitdefender BOX is your all in one tool to keep all your smart devices working properly. In today’s time when hackers are just waiting to enter your system, you can use the BOX to keep them away. Plus you can also get the benefit of parental control which means that your children do not watch anything that they should not. With this device around you do not have to worry about buying antivirus software. It knows from where unwanted access requests can come from, and notifies you well in advance thus keeping the devices safe and data protected.


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