Category Archives: Business

How to Start a Business with No Money (in 2024)

Starting a business with no money may seem like a daunting challenge, but it is not impossible. In fact, there are many successful entrepreneurs who have launched their ventures with little or no capital. In this blog post, we will share some tips and strategies on how to start a business with no money in 2024.

The first step to starting a business with no money is to figure out what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. This will help you find a niche market that you can serve with your products or services. For example, if you are a talented writer, you could offer freelance writing services to clients online. If you are passionate about fitness, you could create online courses or videos on how to stay fit and healthy.

The first questions you need to figure out are as follows: Do you feel stuck in your career or life? Do you want to find more meaning and fulfillment in what you do? If so, you might benefit from identifying your skills and passions. These are the things that you are good at and enjoy doing, and they can help you discover your purpose and direction.

Skills training

But how do you identify your skills and passions? Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Reflect on your past experiences. Think about the activities, projects, or tasks that you have done in the past, either for work, school, or fun. What did you enjoy doing the most? What did you excel at? What made you feel proud or satisfied?
  2. Ask for feedback. Sometimes, it can be hard to see our own strengths and interests objectively. That’s why it can be helpful to ask for feedback from others who know us well, such as family, friends, colleagues, or mentors. Ask them what they think are your skills and passions, and why. You might be surprised by what they say.
  3. Take a personality test. Another way to identify your skills and passions is to take a personality test, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the StrengthsFinder, or the Enneagram. These tests can help you understand your preferences, motivations, and talents better, and suggest careers or activities that match your personality type.
  4. Explore new opportunities. Sometimes, we don’t know what we are passionate about until we try something new. That’s why it’s important to explore new opportunities and challenge yourself to learn new skills. You can do this by taking a course, joining a club, volunteering for a cause, or starting a hobby. You never know what might spark your interest or passion.
  5. Follow your curiosity. Finally, one of the best ways to identify your skills and passions is to follow your curiosity. Curiosity is the natural desire to learn more about something that intrigues you. It can lead you to discover new things that you might not have considered before. So, whenever you feel curious about something, don’t ignore it. Instead, follow it and see where it takes you.
bootstrap a business

Before you invest any time or money into your business, you need to validate your idea and make sure that there is a demand for it. You can do this by conducting market research, surveying potential customers, creating a landing page, or launching a minimum viable product (MVP). These methods will help you test your assumptions, get feedback, and measure the interest and willingness of your target audience to pay for your solution.

Validating an idea is one of the most important steps in launching a new product or service. The meaning is that you are testing whether there is a real demand and interest for what you are offering, and whether your target customers are willing to pay for it.

There are many ways to validate your idea, but here are some of the most common ones:

  • Conduct customer interviews. Talk to potential customers and ask them about their problems, needs, preferences, and feedback on your idea. Try to understand their pain points and how your solution can help them.
  • Create a landing page. A landing page is a simple web page that describes your value proposition and invites visitors to sign up for updates, pre-order, or join a waitlist. You can use tools like Unbounce or Leadpages to create one easily. Then, drive traffic to your landing page using ads, social media, or email marketing and measure how many people sign up or express interest.
  • Run a crowdfunding campaign. A crowdfunding campaign is a way to raise money from the public for your project. You can use platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to create a campaign page, set a funding goal and deadline, and offer rewards to backers. This way, you can validate your idea by seeing how many people are willing to support it financially and get feedback from them.
  • Build a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a version of your product or service that has the minimum features needed to solve the core problem of your customers. You can build an MVP using low-cost or no-code tools like Bubble or Zapier, or hire a developer to help you. Then, you can launch your MVP to a small group of early adopters and get feedback from them on how to improve it.

These are some of the methods you can use to validate your idea before investing too much time and money into it. By validating your idea, you can reduce the risk of failure, learn from your customers, and iterate on your solution until you find the product-market fit.

Starting a business with no money does not mean that you have to do everything by yourself. There are many free or low-cost resources that you can use to launch and grow your business. For example, you can use online platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or Wix to create your website or online store. You can use social media, email marketing, or content marketing to promote your brand and reach your customers. You can also use online tools like Canva, Fiverr, or Upwork to create your logo, design your graphics, or outsource some tasks.

business branding

Another way to start a business with no money is to build your network and partnerships with other entrepreneurs, influencers, or organizations that can help you grow your business. For example, you can join online communities, forums, or groups related to your niche and share your expertise and value. You can also collaborate with other businesses that complement yours and offer cross-promotion or referral deals. You can also seek mentorship or advice from experienced entrepreneurs who can guide you and support you.

Networking and partnerships are essential for any business or professional who wants to grow and succeed. They can help you access new opportunities, resources, contacts, and insights that can boost your performance and reputation. But how do you build your network and partnerships effectively? Here are some tips to help you:

  • Identify your goals and values. Before you start networking, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and what you stand for. This will help you find the right people and organizations to connect with, and also communicate your value proposition to them.
  • Be proactive and strategic. Don’t wait for others to reach out to you, but actively seek out potential partners and contacts that align with your goals and values. Use online platforms, events, referrals, and introductions to expand your network. Be strategic about who you target and how you approach them, and always follow up with them.
  • Be genuine and generous. Networking is not just about exchanging business cards or asking for favors. It’s about building trust and rapport with others, and showing genuine interest in them and their work. Be generous with your time, knowledge, skills, and resources, and offer value to your partners and contacts. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice, but also be ready to reciprocate.
  • Nurture your relationships. Networking is not a one-time activity, but a continuous process of maintaining and strengthening your relationships. Keep in touch with your partners and contacts regularly, and update them on your progress and achievements. Share relevant information, opportunities, feedback, and appreciation with them. Be responsive and respectful, and honor your commitments.
bootstrap your ideas

Finally, starting a business with no money means that you have to bootstrap and reinvest your profits back into your business. Bootstrapping means that you use your own savings, income, or revenue to fund your business operations and growth. This way, you avoid taking on debt or giving up equity to investors. Reinvesting your profits means that you use the money that you make from your sales to improve your products or services, expand your marketing, hire more staff, or acquire more customers.

If you have a great idea for a business, but you don’t have enough capital to start it, you might want to consider bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is a way of launching and growing your business with minimal external funding. It means relying on your own savings, revenue, and resources to finance your operations.

Bootstrapping has many benefits, such as:

  • You have full control over your business decisions and direction.
  • You don’t have to give up any equity or ownership to investors.
  • You can focus on creating value for your customers, rather than pleasing your funders.
  • You can avoid debt and interest payments that can eat into your profits.

However, bootstrapping also comes with some challenges, such as:

  • You have limited resources and cash flow to invest in your business growth.
  • You have to wear many hats and handle multiple aspects of your business by yourself or with a small team.
  • You have to be creative and resourceful in finding ways to cut costs and generate revenue.
  • You may face more competition from well-funded rivals who can outspend you on marketing and innovation.

So how can you bootstrap your business successfully? Here are some tips to help you:

  • Validate your idea before you launch. Test your product or service with real customers and get feedback on what works and what doesn’t. This will help you avoid wasting time and money on something that nobody wants or needs.
  • Start small and scale up. Don’t try to do everything at once. Focus on the most important features and functions of your product or service, and deliver them with high quality. Then, as you gain traction and revenue, you can add more features and expand your market.
  • Leverage free or low-cost tools and platforms. There are many online tools and platforms that can help you run your business efficiently and effectively, such as WordPress, Shopify, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, etc. Use them to create your website, online store, email list, analytics dashboard, etc. without spending a lot of money.
  • Outsource or barter when possible. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. You can outsource some tasks or functions to freelancers or agencies who can do them better or faster than you. Alternatively, you can barter your skills or products with other entrepreneurs who can offer you something in return.
  • Build a loyal customer base. Your customers are your best asset when you bootstrap your business. They can provide you with revenue, feedback, referrals, testimonials, etc. Treat them well and exceed their expectations. Offer them incentives to stay loyal and spread the word about your business.

Best Low-Cost Business Ideas You Can Start Today

sticky notes

Are you looking for some low-cost business ideas that can generate high profits? If so, you are in the right place. In this blog post, I will share with you 4 of the best low-cost business ideas that you can start today with minimal investment and maximum returns.

  1. Blogging. Blogging is one of the most popular and profitable online business ideas that anyone can start with a laptop and an internet connection. You can create a blog on any topic that you are passionate about, such as travel, fitness, fashion, cooking, etc. and monetize it with ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or selling your own products or services. The best part is that you can start a blog for free or with a low-cost hosting plan and domain name. You can also use platforms like Medium or to create your blog without any technical skills.
  2. Online tutoring. Online tutoring is another great low-cost business idea that can help you earn a decent income by sharing your knowledge and skills with others. You can teach anything that you are good at, such as languages, math, science, music, art, etc. and find students online who are willing to pay for your lessons. You can use platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, or Zoom to create and deliver your courses or offer live sessions. You can also create your own website or blog to promote your online tutoring services and attract more clients.
  3. Dropshipping. Dropshipping is a type of e-commerce business where you sell products online without having to deal with inventory, shipping, or fulfillment. You simply create an online store using platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce and find a reliable supplier who can ship the products directly to your customers on your behalf. You only pay for the products that you sell and keep the difference as your profit. Dropshipping is a low-cost business idea because you don’t have to invest in inventory or warehousing. You can also choose from a wide range of products and niches to sell online.
  4. Freelancing. Freelancing is another low-cost business idea that can help you turn your skills and talents into money. You can offer any service that you are good at, such as writing, graphic design, web development, video editing, social media management, etc. and find clients online who need your help. You can use platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, or 99designs to showcase your portfolio and bid on projects. You can also create your own website or blog to market your freelancing services and build your reputation.

Starting a business with no money in 2024 is not easy, but it is possible if you follow these tips and strategies. By identifying your skills and passions, validating your idea, leveraging free or low-cost resources, building your network and partnerships, and bootstrapping and reinvesting your profits, you can launch and grow a successful business with little or no capital.

How Do Billionaires Make Their Money in 2024

The year 2024 is a pivotal one for the world’s wealthiest individuals, as they face unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the wake of the global pandemic, the climate crisis, and the rise of new technologies. In this article, we will explore some of the main sources of income and wealth for billionaires in 2024, and how they are adapting to the changing landscape.


One of the most lucrative sectors for billionaires in 2024 is biotechnology, as the demand for vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics continues to grow. Many billionaires have invested heavily in biotech companies that are developing innovative solutions for COVID-19 and other diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. Some examples are Moderna, BioNTech, CureVac, and Regeneron, which have seen their stock prices soar in the past year. Biotech billionaires also benefit from favorable tax policies and government subsidies that support research and development.

Renewable Energy

Another sector that is generating huge profits for billionaires in 2024 is renewable energy, as the world transitions to a low-carbon economy. Solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power are becoming more affordable and efficient, and are displacing fossil fuels as the main sources of electricity. Billionaires who own or invest in renewable energy companies, such as NextEra Energy, Enel, Iberdrola, and Orsted, are reaping the rewards of this green revolution. Renewable energy billionaires also enjoy strong public support and environmental credentials.

Artificial Intelligence

A third sector that is creating new opportunities for billionaires in 2024 is artificial intelligence (AI), as the technology becomes more advanced and ubiquitous. AI is transforming various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, education, entertainment, and finance. Billionaires who have a stake in AI companies, such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Tesla, are gaining a competitive edge and access to vast amounts of data. AI billionaires also have a significant influence on society and culture, as they shape the future of human-machine interaction.

Some other sectors that are also attracting billionaire interest in 2024 are space exploration, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and blockchain. These sectors offer high potential for innovation and disruption, as well as high risks and uncertainties. Billionaires who are involved in these sectors, such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, and Michael Saylor, are pursuing their visions and passions, as well as their profits. These sectors also pose ethical and regulatory challenges that require careful consideration.

United States one-hundred-dollar bills

How to become a billionaire in 2024?

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to become a billionaire in 2024, you might be disappointed. There is no magic formula or secret strategy that can guarantee you such a massive wealth in such a short time. However, that does not mean it is impossible. With the right mindset, skills, opportunities and luck, you might be able to achieve your ambitious goal.

In the following paragraphs, we will share some tips and insights on how to become a billionaire in 2024, based on the experiences and advice of some of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors in the world. Of course, these are not definitive rules or guarantees, but rather general guidelines and suggestions that might help you along your journey.

Tip #1: Find a problem and solve it

One of the most common traits of billionaires is that they are problem-solvers. They identify a gap, a need or a pain point in the market or society, and they create a product or service that addresses it. They do not just follow trends or copy others, but they innovate and disrupt. They offer value and convenience to their customers, and they constantly improve and adapt to changing needs and preferences.

Some examples of problem-solvers who became billionaires are:

  • Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon as an online bookstore, and later expanded it to become the world’s largest e-commerce platform, cloud computing provider, and media company.
  • Elon Musk, who co-founded PayPal as an online payment system, and later founded SpaceX as a private space exploration company, Tesla as an electric car manufacturer, and Neuralink as a brain-computer interface company.
  • Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook as a social networking site for college students, and later acquired Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus as part of his vision to connect the world.

Tip #2: Leverage technology and innovation

Another common trait of billionaires is that they are tech-savvy and innovative. They use technology as a tool to create, scale and optimize their businesses. They are not afraid to experiment with new ideas, methods and platforms. They are always learning and updating their skills and knowledge. They embrace change and challenge the status quo.

Some examples of tech-savvy and innovative billionaires are:

  • Bill Gates, who co-founded Microsoft as a software company, and later diversified into hardware, gaming, cloud computing and philanthropy.
  • Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who co-founded Google as a search engine company, and later developed products and services such as Gmail, YouTube, Android, Chrome and Google Maps.
  • Jack Dorsey, who co-founded Twitter as a micro-blogging platform, and later founded Square as a mobile payment company.

Tip #3: Build a team and network

Another common trait of billionaires is that they are team players and networkers. They do not work alone or in isolation, but they surround themselves with talented, passionate and like-minded people who share their vision and values. They delegate tasks, empower others and collaborate effectively. They also build relationships with mentors, partners, investors and customers who can support them, advise them and provide them with feedback and opportunities.

Some examples of team players and networkers who became billionaires are:

  • Warren Buffett, who is known as one of the most successful investors of all time. He partnered with Charlie Munger to form Berkshire Hathaway, a conglomerate that owns dozens of companies across various industries. He also learned from his mentor Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing.
  • Oprah Winfrey, who is known as one of the most influential media personalities of all time. She started her career as a television host, producer and actress. She later launched her own network OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), magazine O (The Oprah Magazine), book club Oprah’s Book Club and podcast Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations.
  • Richard Branson, who is known as one of the most adventurous entrepreneurs of all time. He founded Virgin Group as a record label company. He later expanded into various sectors such as airlines (Virgin Atlantic), space tourism (Virgin Galactic), health care (Virgin Care) and hospitality (Virgin Hotels).


Becoming a billionaire in 2024 might seem like a daunting or unrealistic goal for many people. However, if you have the passion, determination, creativity and resilience to pursue your dreams, you might be able to achieve it. By following the tips above, you might be able to find your niche, leverage your strengths, seize your opportunities and overcome your challenges.

Remember that becoming a billionaire is not just about money or fame. It is also about making a positive impact on the world and leaving a legacy behind. As Steve Jobs once said: “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful … that’s what matters to me.”

billionaire life

Where do most billionaires live in 2024

If you are curious about where the world’s richest people reside, you might be surprised by the diversity of their locations. According to Forbes, there are 2,640 billionaires in 2024, hailing from 77 countries or territories around the globe. However, some places seem to attract more billionaires than others, and some cities have become hubs for the ultra-wealthy.

The country with the most billionaires in 2024 is the United States, with 724, followed by China, with 698 (not including Hong Kong and Macau), However, when it comes to cities, New York City is the undisputed leader, with 101 billionaires calling it home. This is despite a net loss of six billionaires since last year, as some dropped off the list due to market fluctuations or deaths. New York City is also the wealthiest billionaire city, with a combined net worth of $616.8 billion among its residents. The richest person in New York City is Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor and media mogul, with an estimated fortune of $94.5 billion.

The second-most populous city for billionaires in 2024 is Hong Kong, with 80, up from 78 last year. Hong Kong’s billionaires are worth a total of $408.4 billion, and the richest among them is Li Ka-shing, the tycoon who controls a vast empire of ports, utilities, telecoms and retail businesses. He is worth $38.7 billion.

The third place goes to Beijing, which was the top city for billionaires in 2021 but slipped to the second spot in 2022 and now to the third in 2024. Beijing has 79 billionaires, down from 93 last year, with a collective net worth of $385.7 billion. The drop is partly due to China’s economic slowdown, property crisis and regulatory crackdown on tech giants. The richest person in Beijing is Zhang Yiming, the founder of ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok. He is worth $62 billion.

Other cities that rank high on the list of billionaire hotspots are Shanghai (No. 4), London (No. 5), Moscow (No. 6), Mumbai (No. 7), Shenzhen (No. 8), Paris (No. 9) and Delhi and San Francisco (tied at No. 10). These cities are home to diverse industries and sectors, such as technology, finance, real estate, manufacturing, entertainment and philanthropy.

The distribution of billionaires across the world reflects the shifting dynamics of wealth creation and accumulation in the 21st century. While some regions have seen their fortunes rise or fall due to political or economic factors, others have maintained their dominance or emerged as new centers of innovation and opportunity. As the world recovers from the pandemic and faces new challenges and opportunities, it will be interesting to see how the geography of wealth changes in the coming years.

The top ten countries with the most billionaires are:

1. United States – 724
2. China – 698
3. India – 237
4. Germany – 136
5. Russia – 117
6. Hong Kong – 71
7. Brazil – 65
8. Canada – 64
9. United Kingdom – 56
10. Italy – 51

Best Website Builders of 2024, Wix, Shopify, and More

Website builders are software tools that allow anyone to create a website without any coding or design skills. They are popular among small businesses, freelancers, bloggers, and anyone who wants to have an online presence. Website builders offer various features, such as templates, drag-and-drop editors, e-commerce functionality, SEO tools, and more.

However, not all website builders are created equal. Some are more suitable for certain types of websites than others. Some are more affordable, user-friendly, or feature-rich than others. Some are more reliable, secure, or scalable than others.

In this blog post, we will review some of the best website builders in 2024 based on our research and testing.


Wix website builder

Best for No-Code Customizations

Wix is one of the most popular and versatile website builders on the market. It offers a drag-and-drop interface that lets you create stunning websites without any coding skills. You can choose from over 800 templates or start from scratch with a blank canvas. Wix also has a powerful app market that allows you to add extra functionality to your site, such as e-commerce, booking, blogging, and more.

Key Features

– Drag-and-drop editor with over 800 templates
– App market with hundreds of add-ons
– Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) that creates a website for you based on your answers to a few questions
– Wix Corvid (formerly Wix Code) that lets you customize your site with advanced coding tools
– Wix SEO Wiz that helps you optimize your site for search engines
– Wix Ascend that provides marketing and customer management tools



  • Easy to use drag-and-drop editor
  • Over 800 templates in various categories
  • Artificial design intelligence feature
  • E-commerce functionality
  • App market with various integrations
  • Free plan available
  • Affordable and flexible. You can start with a free plan and upgrade to a premium plan that suits your needs and budget
  • Versatile and scalable. You can create any type of website with Wix, from personal blogs to e-commerce stores. You can also grow your site with more features and apps as your business expands


  • Free plan has ads and subdomain
  • Templates are not interchangeable
  • Loading speed can be slow
  • Limited storage and bandwidth on all plans. You might need to upgrade to a higher plan if you have a lot of content or traffic on your site
  • Wix does not allow you to change your template once your site is live. You have to start over if you want to switch to a different design
  • Wix does not have native backup and restore options. You have to use third-party apps or manually save your site if you want to restore it to a previous version

Plans and Pricing

Wix plans and pricing

Wix offers four premium plans for websites and three premium plans for e-commerce stores. All plans include a free domain name for one year, SSL security, unlimited pages and access to premium apps.

Website Plans

  • Combo: $16/month. Ideal for personal use or small businesses. Includes 3 GB of storage, 2 GB of bandwidth, 30 minutes of video hours and no Wix ads.
  • Unlimited: $22/month. Ideal for entrepreneurs and freelancers. Includes 10 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, one hour of video hours and $300 ad vouchers.
  • Pro: $27/month. Ideal for complete online branding. Includes 20 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, two hours of video hours, professional logo, social media logo files and analytics app.
  • VIP: $45/month. Ideal for priority support. Includes 35 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, five hours of video hours, professional logo, social media logo files, analytics app and VIP support.

E-commerce Plans

  • Business Basic: $27/month. Ideal for accepting online payments. Includes all features of Unlimited plan plus 20 GB of storage, five hours of video hours and e-commerce features.
  • Business Unlimited: $32/month. Ideal for growing your online store. Includes all features of Pro plan plus 35 GB of storage, 10 hours of video hours and e-commerce features.
  • Business VIP: $59/month. Ideal for scaling your online store. Includes all features of VIP plan plus 50 GB of storage, unlimited video hours and e-commerce features.

Overall Conclusion

Wix is a great choice for anyone who wants to create a website quickly and easily without any coding skills. It offers a wide range of templates, features and apps to suit any type of website and business. It also has affordable and flexible plans that can be upgraded as your site grows.

However, Wix also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of before choosing it as your website builder. It has limited storage and bandwidth on all plans, which might affect your site’s performance and speed. It does not allow you to change your template once your site is live, which might limit your design options in the future. It does not have native backup and restore options, which might put your site at risk of data loss.

Therefore, we recommend Wix for anyone who wants a simple and easy way to create a website with no coding skills. However, if you need more control over your site’s design, performance and security, you might want to look for other alternatives. website builder

If you are looking for a simple and affordable way to create a website for your business or personal project, you might want to consider website builder. is a web technology company that offers various services, such as web design, hosting, marketing, and domain names. In this post, we will focus on their website builder tool, which allows you to build your own website using drag-and-drop functionality and ready-made templates. We will cover the key features, pros and cons, plans and pricing, and overall conclusion of website builder.

Key Features

  • Drag-and-drop builder: You can easily create and customize your website by dragging and dropping elements, such as text, images, buttons, forms, etc. You can also edit the layout, colors, fonts, and other aspects of your site.
  • Free domain name: When you sign up for website builder, you get a free domain name for one year. You can choose from various extensions, such as .com, .net, .org, etc.
  • Optimized for mobile: Your website will automatically adjust to different screen sizes and devices, such as smartphones and tablets. You can also preview how your site looks on mobile before publishing it.
  • Options for any business: offers over 150 professionally designed templates for various industries and niches. You can also use ready-made content blocks to add relevant information to your site.
  • Free 1-hour website design support: If you need help with creating or designing your website, you can get one free hour of web design support from experts. They can assist you with setting up your site, adding features, or optimizing it for SEO.



  • Easy to use: website builder is designed for beginners who want to create a website without coding or technical skills. You can simply drag and drop elements and use the intuitive interface to customize your site
  • Affordable: website builder is one of the most affordable options in the market. You can start with a free plan that includes a subdomain and 25 MB of storage space. The paid plans start from $1.95 per month and include a free domain name and more features
  • Reliable: is a reputable web technology company that has been in business since 1999. They have served over 3 million customers worldwide and manage over 9 million domain names. You can trust them to provide reliable hosting and customer service for your website


  • Limited features: website builder does not offer some advanced features that other website builders do, such as eCommerce functionality, blogging tools, social media integration, etc. If you need these features, you might want to look for another option
  • Limited customization: website builder does not allow you to access or edit the HTML or CSS code of your site. You are also limited by the templates and content blocks that they provide. If you want more creative control over your site, you might find website builder too restrictive

Plans and Pricing pricing website builder offers four plans to choose from:

  • Website: This plan which runs for $4.95/mo, includes a 25 MB of storage space, 5 GB of bandwidth per month, and access to the drag-and-drop builder and templates. This plan is suitable for testing out the tool or creating a simple personal site.
  • Website+marketing: This plan costs $7.95 per month for the first year and $21.99 per month thereafter. It includes a free domain name for one year, 300 MB of storage space, unlimited bandwidth, email accounts, SSL certificate, Social & Email marketing tools, and one free hour of web design support. Additionally, you get some selling services and access to an AI writing tool.
  • Online Store: This plan costs $13.95 per month for the first year and $24.99 per month thereafter. It includes everything in the previous plan plus 500 MB of storage space and priority customer support, secure checkout and social media selling options.
  • Online Marketplace: This plan costs $19.95 per month for the first year and $39.99 per month thereafter. It includes everything in the previous plan plus 1 GB of storage space and also bulk editing and automation tools, alongside a direct selling access to some of the biggest e-commerce websites such as amazon, Etsy, eBay and more.

You can also get a custom quote for a more tailored solution if you need more features or services.

Overall Conclusion website builder is a simple and affordable tool that allows you to create a professional-looking website without coding or technical skills. It offers a drag-and-drop builder, free domain name, mobile optimization, and various templates and content blocks for different industries and niches. It also provides reliable hosting and customer service from a reputable web technology company.

However, website builder also has some drawbacks that might make it unsuitable for some users. It does not offer some advanced features that other website builders do, such as getting access or edit the HTML or CSS code of your site or customize it beyond the templates and content blocks that they provide.

Therefore, we recommend website builder for users who want a simple and affordable way to create a basic website for their e-commerce/business or personal project. If you need more features or customization options, you might want to look for another option.


Shopify online store

If you want to create a stunning e-commerce website in minutes, you might want to consider Shopify, one of the best website builders for online businesses.

Key Features

  • A fully customizable website builder with thousands of themes, apps and integrations
  • A free 3-day trial with no credit card required
  • A no-code website builder with drag-and-drop functionality
  • A custom domain name registration service
  • A reliable website hosting service with added security
  • An online store builder with unlimited products and access to POS
  • A CMS with insight into your customers and their behavior
  • A global network of Shopify Experts who can help you with design, marketing and development



  • Easy to use and set up
  • Flexible and scalable for any business size or type
  • Offers a lot of features and functionality for ecommerce
  • Has a large and active community of users and developers


  • Can be expensive depending on the plan and add-ons you choose
  • Has some limitations on customization and control over your website
  • Charges transaction fees for using third-party payment gateways

Plans and Pricing

Shopify offers four main plans for its service:

  • Basic Shopify: $29/month. Includes the option to manage a store with 1000 inventory locations, sell on social media, chat with customers, send invoices and accept payments., and two staff accounts, discount codes, abandoned cart recovery and more.
  • Shopify: $105/month. Includes everything in Basic Shopify plus five staff accounts, gift cards, professional reports, lower transaction fees and more.
  • Advanced Shopify: $399/month. Includes everything in Shopify plus 15 staff accounts, advanced report builder, third-party calculated shipping rates, lower transaction fees and more.
  • You can also choose Shopify Plus, a custom plan for large enterprises that offers more features, support and scalability.

Start for free, then enjoy $1/month for 3 months.

Overall Conclusion

Shopify is a great choice for anyone who wants to create a professional and successful ecommerce website without much hassle or coding. It offers a lot of features, functionality and support for online businesses of all sizes and types. However, it can also be costly and limiting depending on your needs and preferences. Therefore, we recommend that you try out the free trial before committing to a plan and compare it with other website builders to find the best fit for you.


Squarespace web builder

Best for Creatives

Squarespace is another popular website builder that is known for its elegant and professional designs. It offers over 100 templates that are optimized for mobile devices and various industries. Squarespace also has a rich set of features that enable you to create blogs, portfolios, online stores, and more.

Key Features

– Responsive templates with modern and minimalist aesthetics
– Built-in e-commerce platform with inventory management, payment processing, and shipping options
– Blogging platform with multiple authors, categories, tags, and comments
– Portfolio platform with customizable layouts, galleries, and video backgrounds
– Marketing tools such as email campaigns, SEO, analytics, and social media integration

More :

  • Designs: Squarespace has dozens of modern and minimalistic templates that can be easily modified and tailored to your wishes. You can also switch templates anytime without losing your content. All templates are responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring a great user experience on any device.
  • Rich Image Manager: Squarespace allows you to add and organize images via drag and drop builder. You can also edit images with tools like cropping, resizing, filters, and more. Squarespace also optimizes your images for fast loading and SEO.
  • Blogging: Squarespace lets you design and manage your blog with features like categories, tags, comments, RSS feeds, social sharing, scheduled posts, and more. You can also import your blog from other platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, or Blogger.
  • Commerce: Squarespace enables you to sell your products through an online store with features like inventory management, product variants, coupons, taxes, shipping, abandoned cart recovery, and more. You can also use Point of Sale (POS) to accept payments in person with Squarespace’s mobile app and card reader. Additionally, you can manage subscriptions, donations, bookings, memberships, and other business needs with Squarespace’s extensions.
  • Analytics: Squarespace provides you with detailed analytics where you can track traffic, popular content, sales, conversions, audience behavior, and more. You can also integrate with Google Analytics for more insights.
  • Connected Services: Squarespace allows you to extend your website’s functionality by connecting with third-party services like Mailchimp, Stripe, PayPal, Google Workspace, Instagram, Facebook Pixel, Zapier, and more.
  • SEO: Squarespace gives you everything you need to have an SEO-ready website without requiring any plugins or coding. You can customize your site title, meta description, URL slug, alt text, sitemap, robots.txt file, and more. Squarespace also supports SSL encryption for security and ranking benefits.
  • Ad-free: Squarespace does not show any ads on your website unless you want to make money by placing your own ads through services like Google Adsense or Mediavine.
  • Support: Squarespace offers fast and friendly support via email and live chat 24/7. You can also access their extensive knowledge base, video tutorials, webinars, community forum, and help guides for self-help.



  • Ease of use: Squarespace has a user-friendly interface that allows you to create and edit your website with simple drag and drop actions. You don’t need any coding skills or technical knowledge to use Squarespace. You can also preview your changes in real-time before publishing them
  • Quality: Squarespace delivers high-quality websites that look professional and elegant. The templates are designed by experts and follow the latest web standards and trends. The websites are also fast-loading and secure thanks to Squarespace’s hosting and SSL certificates
  • Flexibility: Squarespace gives you the freedom to customize your website according to your needs and preferences. You can change fonts
  • Beautiful and high-quality designs
  • Ideal for creative professionals and businesses


  • Price: Squarespace is not the cheapest option when it comes to website builders. The plans start from $12 per month for personal websites and go up to $40 per month for advanced commerce websites. There are no free plans or trials available, although you can use a 14-day free trial to test the platform before committing
  • Control: Squarespace does not give you full control over your website’s code or hosting. You cannot access or modify the source code of your website or use custom plugins or themes. You also cannot migrate your website to another hosting provider or platform easily
  • Learning curve: Squarespace may have a simple interface,
    but it also has a lot of options and features that can be overwhelming for beginners. It may take some time to learn how to use Squarespace effectively and make the most out of its capabilities
  • Learning curve: Squarespace may have a simple interface,
    but it also has a lot of options and features that can be overwhelming for beginners. It may take some time to learn how to use Squarespace effectively and make the most out of its capabilities
  • Compatibility: Squarespace may not be compatible with some third-party services or tools that you may want to use on your website. For example, you cannot use Google Adsense or Mediavine on Squarespace unless you have a Business plan or higher. You also cannot use WordPress plugins or themes on Squarespace

Plans and Pricing

Squarespace has four plans: Personal ($16 per month), Business ($23 per month), Basic Commerce ($27 per month), and Advanced Commerce ($49 per month). All plans include a free domain name for one year, SSL security, unlimited bandwidth and storage space, SEO tools, analytics, and customer support. The Business plan adds e-commerce functionality, marketing tools, and premium integrations. The Commerce plans add more e-commerce features such as abandoned cart recovery, customer accounts, subscriptions, advanced shipping options, and lower transaction fees.


Webflow website builder

Webflow is a website builder that combines the power of code with the simplicity of visual design. It allows you to create responsive websites using a drag-and-drop interface that generates clean HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. You can also use Webflow’s CMS (Content Management System) to create dynamic content such as blogs, portfolios, e-commerce products, and more.

Key Features

  • Visual editor that lets you design websites without writing code
  • CMS that lets you create and manage dynamic content
  • E-commerce platform that lets you sell products online with custom checkout flows
  • Hosting service that provides fast loading speed, SSL security, etc.


  • Drag-and-drop interface: You can design your workflows using a simple and intuitive interface that lets you drag and drop actions, conditions, loops, and variables.
  • Pre-built templates: You can choose from hundreds of ready-made templates for common use cases, such as sending email notifications, creating invoices, updating CRM records, and more.
  • Workflow editor: You can edit and customize your workflows using a powerful editor that gives you access to advanced features, such as branching logic, error handling, data mapping, and debugging tools.
  • Workflow triggers: You can trigger your workflows based on various events, such as time, date, webhooks, form submissions, email attachments, and more.
  • Workflow variables: You can use variables to store and manipulate data in your workflows, such as text, numbers, dates, lists, files, and more.
  • Workflow actions: You can perform various actions in your workflows, such as sending emails, posting messages, uploading files, creating tasks, calling APIs, and more.
  • Workflow integrations: You can integrate your workflows with over 1000 apps and services using built-in connectors or custom API requests.
  • Workflow analytics: You can monitor and analyze the performance of your workflows using dashboards and reports that show you metrics such as run time, success rate, errors, and more.



  • Beautiful and high-quality designs
  • Beautiful and high-quality designs
  • 24/7 customer support via email and live chat
  • Easy to use and does not require coding skills
  • Flexible and customizable and can handle complex scenarios
  • Scalable and reliable and can handle high volumes of data and transactions
  • Affordable and offers a free plan and a pay-as-you-go plan


  • No free plan or trial available
  • Editor can be confusing and restrictive at times
  • Expensive compared to some competitors
  • Does not have a native mobile app or a desktop app
  • Does not support offline mode or local storage
  • Workflow does not have a built-in testing or debugging environment

Plans and Pricing

Webflow pricing

Workflow offers five plans for different needs and budgets:

  • Free plan: You get 1 domain and can create up to 50 workflows submissions and run up to 50 CMS items per month for free. You also get access to basic features and integrations, plus 1GB of bandwidth.
  • Basic plan: You can custom your domain and can create 500 form submissions for $14 per month. You also get access to advanced features and integrations, plus 50GB of bandwidth.
  • CMS plan: You get a custom domain and can create 2000 form submissions for $23 per month. You also get access to advanced features and integrations, plus 200GB of bandwidth, and 3 content editors. You also get access to premium features and integrations.
  • Business plan: You get a custom domain and can create 10,000+ form submissions for $39 per month. You also get access to advanced features and integrations, plus 400GB of bandwidth, and 10 content editors. You also get access to premium features and integrations.

There’s also an enterprise plan to choose as an option.

Overall Conclusion

Workflow is a powerful and user-friendly platform that can help you automate and optimize your business processes. It can help you save time, reduce errors, improve efficiency, and enhance collaboration. If you are looking for a solution that can handle your workflow needs without coding or complexity, you should give Workflow a try.


Godaddy web builder

If you’re looking for a simple and easy way to create a website, you might have come across GoDaddy. This company allows you to build a website without any coding or design skills. But is it a good option for your needs?

Key Features

  • A drag-and-drop interface that lets you customize your site with different elements, such as text, images, videos, buttons, forms and more.
  • A library of templates that are designed for different industries and purposes, such as business, portfolio, blog, online store and more.
  • A mobile-friendly design that automatically adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
  • A built-in SEO tool that helps you optimize your site for search engines and rank higher on Google.
  • A free domain name for the first year when you sign up for a paid plan.
  • A free SSL certificate that encrypts your site and protects your visitors’ data.
  • A 24/7 customer support team that can help you with any issues or questions.



  • Easy to use and suitable for beginners who have no coding or design skills
  • Affordable and offers a free plan with limited features and a 14-day free trial for the paid plans
  • Has a variety of templates that can suit different needs and preferences
  • Offers a fast and reliable hosting service that ensures your site is always online and secure


  • Has limited customization options and does not allow you to access the HTML or CSS code of your site
  • Has limited integrations with third-party apps and services, such as email marketing, analytics, social media and more
  • Has limited e-commerce features and does not support advanced functions, such as inventory management, shipping options, tax calculations and more
  • Has limited blogging features and does not support comments, categories, tags or RSS feeds

Plans and Pricing

GoDaddy Website Builder offers four plans to choose from: Basic, Standard, Premium and Ecommerce. The prices range from $9.99 to $16.99 per month when billed annually. Here is a summary of what each plan includes:

  • Basic: This plan is suitable for personal or hobby websites. It includes 1 GB of storage, 150 GB of bandwidth, a free domain name for the first year, a free SSL certificate, basic SEO tools and 24/7 support.
  • Standard: This plan is suitable for small businesses or professional websites. It includes everything in the Basic plan plus 10 GB of storage, 500 GB of bandwidth, advanced SEO tools and email marketing tools.
  • Premium: This plan is suitable for growing businesses or websites that need more features. It includes everything in the Standard plan plus unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, social media integration tools and online appointment scheduling tools.
  • Ecommerce: This plan is suitable for online stores or websites that sell products or services. It includes everything in the Premium plan plus e-commerce features, such as product catalog, shopping cart, payment options, order management and more.

Overall Conclusion

GoDaddy Website Builder is a good option for anyone who wants to create a website quickly and easily without any coding or design skills. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, a variety of templates, a mobile-friendly design, a free domain name and SSL certificate, a reliable hosting service and a 24/7 support team. However, it also has some limitations that might affect your website’s performance and functionality. It does not allow you to customize your site’s code or integrate it with many third-party apps or services. It also does not offer advanced e-commerce or blogging features that might be essential for some websites. Therefore, we recommend GoDaddy Website Builder for simple or basic websites that do not require much customization or integration. If you need more flexibility or functionality for your website, you might want to look for other alternatives.


Weebly website builder

Weebly lets you create professional websites with no coding knowledge. It’s one of the simplest and most affordable site builders on the market, offering a free option as well as premium plans starting at $10 per month with annual billing.

Key Features

  • Drag-and-drop editor that allows you to customize your site with ease
  • Unlimited storage and bandwidth for most of its plans
  • SEO, email and social media marketing tools to help you grow your online presence
  • Mobile-responsive sites that look great on any device
  • E-commerce features that let you sell products or services online



  • Free forever plan that lets you create a basic website with a Weebly subdomain
  • Competitively-priced premium plans that offer more features and remove ads
  • Easy to use and no programming skills required
  • Free SSL security that protects your site and visitors


  • Site has Square ads unless paying for the Professional plan and above
  • Limited customization options compared to other site builders
  • Phone support only available on Professional plan and above

Plans and Pricing

Weebly offers four plans: Free, Personal, Professional and Performance.

The Free plan lets you create a website with a Weebly subdomain, 500 MB of storage and basic features.

The Personal plan costs $10 per month with annual billing or $13 per month with monthly billing and lets you connect your own domain, remove Square ads and get unlimited storage.

The Professional plan costs $12 per month with annual billing or $16 per month with monthly billing and adds phone support, site search, video backgrounds and password protection.

The Performance plan costs $26 per month with annual billing or $29 per month with monthly billing and adds e-commerce features such as inventory management, shipping labels, coupons and abandoned cart emails.

Overall Conclusion

Weebly is a great option for anyone who wants to create a professional website or online store quickly and without a steep learning curve. It offers a free option as well as affordable premium plans that suit different needs and budgets. It has a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that lets you customize your site with ease. It also has SEO, email and social media marketing tools to help you grow your online presence. However, it has some limitations in terms of customization options and phone support compared to other site builders. If you’re looking for more flexibility and control over your site design, you might want to consider other options such as Wix or Squarespace.


Wordpress website builder

WordPress is a popular website builder and content management system (CMS) that offers a lot of flexibility and customization options.

WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins that allow users to create unique and functional websites. Users can also access and modify the code of WordPress to achieve more advanced customization. WordPress is an open source platform, which means it is constantly updated and improved by a large community of developers and users.

Key Features

  • Full site editing: Users can now edit their entire website using blocks, including headers, footers, sidebars, and templates.
  • Collaboration: Users can now co-author content with other users in real time, using features like comments, revisions, and workflows.
  • Multilingual: Users can now create and manage multilingual websites using core WordPress features, without relying on third-party plugins or services.



  • Free: WordPress itself is free to use, although users need to pay for web hosting and domain name
  • Flexible: WordPress can be used to create any type of website, from blogs to e-commerce stores to portfolios
  • Customizable: WordPress offers a high level of control over the design and functionality of websites, with thousands of themes and plugins to choose from
  • Scalable: WordPress can handle high traffic and large amounts of content, with options to optimize performance and security


  • Complex: WordPress has a steep learning curve for beginners, and requires coding knowledge for more advanced customization
  • Costly: WordPress can be expensive to maintain, as users need to pay for web hosting, premium themes and plugins, backups, updates, and support
  • Risky: WordPress can be vulnerable to plugin conflicts, hacking, spamming, and other issues that can break or compromise websites

Plans and Pricing

Wordpress plans and pricing

WordPress itself is free to use, but users need to pay for web hosting and domain name. itself is offering additional features and premium plugins and services for additional fees, with prices range between Free and up to $45 per month for the commerce website. Alternatively, there are many web hosting providers that offer WordPress hosting plans at different prices and features. Some of the popular ones are:

  • Bluehost: Starts from $2.95 per month for shared hosting with free domain name, SSL certificate, automatic WordPress installation and updates, and 24/7 support.
  • SiteGround: Starts from $4.99 per month for managed WordPress hosting with free SSL certificate, CDN, email accounts, daily backups, staging tool, and 24/7 support.
  • WP Engine: Starts from $25 per month for managed WordPress hosting with free SSL certificate, CDN, staging tool, automated backups and updates, 24/7 support, and access to premium themes.

Overall Conclusion

WordPress is a powerful and versatile website builder and CMS that can suit the needs of different users and projects. It offers a lot of customization options and features that can help users create unique and functional websites. However, it also has some drawbacks that users need to consider before choosing it as their platform. Users need to have some technical skills and budget to use WordPress effectively and securely. WordPress is not ideal for everyone, but it is definitely one of the best options available in 2024.

What is a Website builder?

A website builder is a tool that allows you to create a website without coding or hiring a developer. You can choose from a variety of templates, customize them with your own content and images, and publish your site online. Some of the key features that you should look for in a website builder are:

  • Ease of use: The website builder should be user-friendly and intuitive, so that you can create your site without any hassle or frustration.
  • Design flexibility: The website builder should offer a wide range of templates and themes that suit your niche and style. You should also be able to customize them with your own colors, fonts, logos, and other elements.
  • Functionality: The website builder should provide you with the tools and features that you need to make your site functional and engaging. For example, you might want to add a blog, an online store, a contact form, a newsletter sign-up, social media integration, etc.
  • SEO: The website builder should help you optimize your site for search engines, so that you can rank higher and attract more visitors. This includes features such as mobile responsiveness, fast loading speed, SSL encryption, meta tags, etc.
  • Support: The website builder should offer you reliable and helpful customer support, in case you encounter any issues or have any questions. You should also have access to tutorials, guides, forums, and other resources to help you learn and grow.


Disclosure: Please note that we may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below, at no expense to you, should you decide to purchase a paid plan. This blog does not provide financial advice, it is purely for entertainment and fun.

5 Cloud Security Issues Every Business Needs to Understand

Most businesses are using some type of cloud computing. According to one report, 94% of businesses use some type of cloud service. 

While cloud services do have a lot to offer businesses, they also come with a range of security concerns. In some cases, cloud security issues can be mitigated with a range of Infrastructure as Code tools, but there is a lot you have to consider before moving resources to the cloud.

Manage Remote Access

One of the reasons many businesses move to the cloud is because it makes resources more accessible. With various workflows and data resources in the cloud, employees can work and be productive from anywhere. This offers obvious benefits, but it can also be a security concern.

Making it possible for employees to access systems from anywhere is great, but it also means that there is the potential for criminals to access these systems over the internet as well. Furthermore, employees might not always follow cybersecurity best practices when they are using their personal devices. 

One of the best ways to protect against issues associated with remote access is to teach employees about cybersecurity best practices. Teach them about creating strong passwords and tell them not to use public Wi-Fi. You should also teach them about common attacks and how to protect against them.

The Cost of Security Breaches

A data breach can come with significant costs. The average cost of a data breach in 2021 is $4.24 million. For many businesses, an event like this would be devastating. Even if you can weather the financial cost, you also have to consider the reputational fallout that may come with a data breach.

Businesses need to go to great lengths to protect the data they store in the cloud. Consider the cloud services you use and the security tools and practices you apply to cloud security. You should also perform regular security audits to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect your cloud systems.

Disaster Recovery Plans

Crime is not the only threat that concerns cloud resources. Beyond data breaches and employees that do not follow security best practices, there is the potential for a disaster to cause data loss or system downtime. For that reason, businesses need to develop strong disaster recovery plans.

Disaster recovery plans need to cover all of your IT infrastructure. You should have data backups to protect against loss in the event of a disaster. Backup systems should also be in place so you can keep things running if there is downtime at one location. Many organizations also buy insurance to protect against the financial costs that can come with a disaster event.

Controlling Access

Access control is another issue for cloud services. You want the resources to be accessible to the right people, but you do not want all data and systems to be accessible to every person that has access to the system. This is why you not only need passwords, but you need to be able to assign different privileges to different people.

By assigning different access levels to different people, you can make sure employees only have access to the resources they are supposed to access. Beyond that, it can protect your business if an employee’s credentials are compromised.


There are standards you have to follow when you store or use private data from the public. This is especially true if your business operates in areas like healthcare or finance. If a business fails to follow these standards, it could end up on the wrong side of regulators in its industry.

If the data you store goes beyond the private information of your business, you need to be aware of the regulations. Make sure you meet your obligations to protect data and maintain a secure system. Failing in this regard can not only damage your reputation, it could result in serious fines.

Moving to the cloud can come with obvious benefits, but it also comes with some risk. With that said, most of these risks are manageable. You just need to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect against these issues.

6 Benefits of Using Vehicles to Advertise Your Small Business

Having a small business can be tough work, with a small budget and a long list of things that need doing. Advertising is all about getting your name out there, with numerous ways to go about it, but what better way to do it than an eye-catching wrap for your vehicle. Getting a vehicle wrap will not only make a memorable first impression but a lasting one at that. If you’re not already sold on the idea, here are some benefits to sway you forward.


As mentioned earlier, small businesses are put under tight budget pressures. Putting your advert on billboards and other recurrent-cost methods just guzzles your finances. Vehicle wraps from companies like are cost-effective, with the average professional price for a full wrap being $2,500-$5,000. This seems like a lot of money, but the staying power will give you years of advertisement, and you will easily make a return through increased custom.


Having your car vehicle wrapped will add a layer of protection from dents and scratches made by flying debris. You don’t need to worry about damaging the original paintwork of the vehicle because specialists can easily remove the vehicle wrap; you will never know it was there.

Attention Please!

Colorful vehicle wraps will put your company above the rest; white vans just don’t grab people’s attention. Your colorful vehicle will automatically draw eyes. When designing your vehicle wrap, you can use color to generate different responses by doing a little reading into color psychology.

Far and Wide

If you’re lucky enough to have a fleet of vehicles and travel across the country, you can reach thousands of viewers per month. Vehicle wrapping is often seen a lot more over people stumbling across websites by chance because anyone can access the advert.


On the whole, customers react better to advertising that isn’t in their face, like radio adverts and handing out flyers. Advertisements with as few disruptions to potential customers are the most effective. Vehicle wraps get your message across without causing any disturbance to anyone. Another form of non-aggressive advertising is using social media.

Get Moving

Stationary adverts like billboards rely heavily on potential customers coming across them, and during rush hour, these are likely to be the same people daily. Investing in a vehicle wrap allows your advert to become mobile and will be seen by more people.


You should ideally get a professional to do your car, but it is possible to do it yourself. It will take longer, and you could mess it up before you master it, but once you have you have mastered the technique, you will save a lot of money – especially if you have more than one vehicle.

Hopefully, now you have seen enough benefits of vehicle wrapping for adverts that you’re already scrambling to get a quote. If not, then get on the phone and speak to a reputable specialist – an investment in vehicle wrapping is a futureproof spend.


4 Sure-Fire Ways to Save Money During the COVID 19 Pandemic Outbreak

The entire market around us has shut down.

We are now finding ourselves lock inside our house without any chances to mitigate or interact with friends outside. Lockdown is in effect biasing us to our own home doors and not allowing us to go and interact with businesses, shops, visit malls, or theaters. All public places have now come to complete closure and as a result, many individuals have lost their jobs and their lives have come to an abrupt hold. Amid the chaos, one of the major concerns among these individuals is how exactly can they ensure their money can be secured. What lies ahead we do not know, but what we can harness today, is something that we do know. Our assets, our money, our savings! It’s all we have for survival.

Today, we are going to talk about 4 ways how each and every single one of us can save money. These lessons will not only help you to secure your finances during the pandemic but it will surely exceed it.

So without further ado, here are 4 interesting lessons on how one can secure their finances.

Lesson # 1: Organize Your Finances

Has the pandemic taken its toll on your already? Have you just lost your job or you’ve come to a spot where you’ve to spend your emergency funds? If you feel panicky or hyped up with anxiety, don’t fret.

Instead, go ahead and calculate how much are you left with and how long can you survive on it.

Now take out your notebook, jot down all your expenses in one place, and analyze how much you’re spending per week? Is there some way you can cut down on the luxuries if you can then there’s no better time than now to do it. Now compare the end results with the amount of money that you might get either from the government or some secondary source of earning. If you don’t have one, try searching up an online job at Glassdoor or LinkedIn. There are many options on how to make money.

Analyze how long you can survive & establish a median between your earnings & your expenditures.

Lesson # 2: Minimize Your Billing Expenditures

There are several mortgage lenders and capital financing firms out there who are more than willing to lend money at the hour of your need. They have helped many businesses survive when they were going through a tough time. They have plenty of investments and right now, many of these capital investors are interested in helping those who have experienced a reduction in income or totally lost their jobs. If someway, you can reach these guys and show them that you’re in need, they just might help you. Getting helped by lenders is one thing but at the same time, it is important that one must cut down on his/her expenditures too. Again, I would like to emphasize money is a necessity right now.

For example, if you are burdened with credit card debts, you can always reach out to your bank and ask them to do you a favor by waving it off during this moment of crisis. If they do not agree, then you can ask them to at least lower the interest rates or completely mitigate them as survival gets difficult.

Such practices may make you sound needy but desperate time calls for desperate measures.

Lesson # 3: Ask For Discounts Where You Can

Businesses are at a demise and right now they are selling products at great deals and discounts. If you can cut down on cost some way, it’s by asking others to offer you a discount. So what if a store is not offering a good percentage off on a product/service, you can always choose to ask them for a discount on your own. Go ahead, be a little blunt and shameless, ask if they are willing to give you a discount on the following product or service because of the COVID outbreak. Who knows, you just might get a chance to purchase a product even at half the price from the original being in the moment.

At the same time, also offer them your help if in some way you can assist them, such as promotion.

These tactics can come in real handy because it’s all that businesses want right now, and if you can offer them this, you are capable of getting a decent discount & at the same time help businesses run.

Lesson # 4: Don’t Fret, Be Grateful for What You Already Own

Trust me!

The last piece of my cake of advice is, be grateful for all that you have right now.

Do you know that there are many people whose lives are in a much worst state than your own? There are plenty of homeless people who haven’t had a proper meal in days. They are living in the corner of the dumps, and on the streets where the virus is the most vulnerable and can infect them very soon. They don’t have access to clean drinking water, a roof for shelter, no proper hygiene, no food!

Such are the conditions for many and at times like this, when you the blessings of a roof and shelter, when you have food stocked up at home, or access to pure drinking water, then you must be grateful.

Pray and thank God for the blessings you have!

He surely works in mysterious ways.

So that’s the end of my article… I hope these lessons may have helped you decide what is best for you. If you enjoyed reading it, please feel free to share your comments with us and I will contribute more.

5 Great Customer Retention Ideas That Work

An army of loyal customers is every company’s goal. Yet, it’s one that can be quite hard to accomplish. Here are 5 ideas for customer retention that work.

1. Know Your Business

Having your own business means much more than having a job and paying you salary. Your basic roles are in finance, administration, marketing, and the responsibility of personnel. You need to know what you can deal with yourself and which parts you’re going to need help with. One person can rarely succeed in all of these to get the best results.

Many companies are run by people with great business acumen, yet they fail because they don’t have all the information they need to do their job. This includes a clear notion of marketing mix, market segment, customer service, target markets, product selection, promotional activities and pricing tactics. You need a well-devised business plan if you want to succeed. This will help you make the right decisions.

2. Pay for Good Training

Train your employees to always be available. Retail has always been about interacting with shoppers. Yet, staffs are often so busy multitasking that they ignore customers who are obviously looking for help. They need to be trained and taught that no task is more important than paying attention to customers because customers pay their salary.

If you have a larger company, you should train your managers to be the best salespersons. A manager probably won’t recognize, analyze, and give direction when a sale is lost if he or she doesn’t have the background knowledge to begin with. A good manager will know how to make a sale.

Finally, teach your managers how to train their associates. It can be that staffs are promoted to managerial positions not based on skills, but on how long they’ve been working for a company, and the disastrous results soon follow. They need proper retail sales training themselves if they’re to manage effectively. It takes more than criticism or praise. Both approaches can create a lot of damage to your staff that are left adrift.

3. Get a Reliable POS System

A full-scale POS solution like Aloha POS is of paramount importance to customer retention. It will allow you to efficiently manage all your back office activities. Reliable systems are rich in features to optimize inventory management and take the guesswork out of purchasing decisions.

A POS system addresses the needs of businesses in many sectors and industries, including grocery stores, convenience stores, apparel, fashion, and sporting goods, liquor, gift shops, and specialty stores.

Among its advantages are the following:

  • Top-Notch Order Fulfillment
  • Robust Email Marketing
  • eCommerce
  • Inventory Management

You’ll be able to attract more customers by offering better value. You’ll also be able to offer more opportunities to shop at your store. It’s your job to give your customers what they want, because if you don’t, they will stop doing business with you. The products and services you provide should be in tune with customers’ needs and wants.

4. Sustain your Unique Image

To attract more customers and understand them better, develop a unique image. This image is important and is a function of your marketing materials and efforts. Customers create their perceptions of your store from your name, location, web site appearance, products, prices, visual merchandising, displays, signs, business cards, customer service, newsletters, advertising material, and anything else that relates to your business.

Try to think like your customers do; buy, show, sell, and give them interesting information (not only what’s interesting to you). Your success is determined by the customer.

To maximize your online revenue, you need to develop a website where to sell your products. You can build the site yourself if you are familiar with HTML or similar programs and codes. It is essential that you determine the niche of your website. Some niches are less lucrative than others. You have to find a balanced relationship between passion and profit until you start making money.

For many years, many people have been selling private label products through sites like Amazon. The profit potential of the Amazon FBA program is huge. You need to make a product, choose a manufacturer and start selling this product on Amazon. The first step is having the right keywords. To obtain long-term customers, you need to acquire them to begin with, and this isn’t very easy either.

Also ,use multiple channels for customer service. This creates an opportunity to create an omni-channel experience, where the customer’s experience with the brand is consistent across different channels and devices. This brings about loyalty and greater customer satisfaction because it makes your customer service offer user-friendlier, which is exactly what your brand needs when your customers need assurance they will be served well, as always.

5. Market Based on Good Customer Experiences

Share any and all positive customer experiences with your brand with as many other people as possible. Collect customer feedback and share your reviews to inform your customers of the perks that your company can provide. Sharing “success” stories across an omni-channel communication system will be viable because new customers tend to trust old and loyal ones more than advertising. To maximize value, leverage these interactions effectively.

Creating customer loyalty is no easy feat, but know that customers are driven by their goals like all people and they will be loyal to the company that can meet their needs. If your competitor offers them a better deal, their positive experience with your company doesn’t matter. The customer will go for the better deal.

To build customer loyalty, you need to be aware of your customers’ needs very well. A multi-channel service system is one of the best ways to stay connected with your customers, particularly if they need help with something. Your customers will have better access to your service staff, which will generate a higher number of customer interactions. The more often you can interact with your customers, the better your chances of influencing their experience and retaining them.