
Current Trends in Business Communication [Infographic]


Time does not stand still, and business communication certainly doesn’t, either. New ways of improving the effectiveness, efficiency, speed and quality of communication are constantly evolving, with the methods in which we do business with clients and customers differing significantly from even 10 years ago. For businesses, keeping on top of changes in communication trends is not an option; it’s a necessity.

This infographic by Irish Telecom ( outlines some of the most prominent current trends in business communication, with interesting facts dotted throughout. For example, web-based tools such as Skype and VoIP are abundant across most businesses in 2016. In its first 10 years of operation, there were 1.4 trillion minutes of Skype calls made. Another growing trend is the Internet of Things, the market share of which is projected to exceed that of PCs, mobile phones and tablets combined within the next year.

These, and other business communication trends, are explored in the infographic. The rate at which telecommunications are expanding can make it challenging to keep up to speed with its evolution, but if businesses fail to get a grip on technological innovations, it could have a damning impact on sales, marketing and customer satisfaction. That is why businesses spent an estimated total of $165.5 billion on IT support in 2015 – spending which reflects another of the current trends explored in the infographic.
