Applications Audio Games Media Players

Zune HD Now Has Doom

It was just a matter of time before someone would eventually come up with a crazy first-impression shooting game for Zune HD players, and make it live for everyone to snag – especially now, when Microsoft’s iPod killer has been officially hacked and the OpenZDK toolkit that grants access to game developments, has finally become available. Now frankly, what good is a portable gaming console without the option to play Doom with it? The answer to this cardinal question is literally similar to a well known campaign slogan – Yes We Can! At least that’s what ZuneBoards forum member, Netrix, says and you can get the impression yourself in his video, right after the break. You see, It’s very simple to execute, as long as you run those Doom WAD gaming files through the app itself.

[via ZuneBoards]



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