Computers News

Lenovo’s Skylight Smartbook Unveiled, First To Include ARM Snapdragon Processor

Lenovo strikes with some interesting stuff at this early stage of.

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Applications Mobile News Operating Systems Phones

Google's Nexus One Officially Announced With Android 2.1 Preloaded Inside

So Google has finally launched the most anticipated Nexus One, and.

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Audio Media Players Video

Samsung's MyFit And Ice Touch PMPs Introduced, Looking Good With AMOLED Displays

It’s been a while since we last heard from Samsung anything.

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CES Computers News

Samsung's New Atom N450 Lineup Includes N210, N220, N150 and NB30 netbooks

It’s Samsung’s turn to officially come out and introduce its latest.

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Audio Media Players Video

Viliv HD5 PMP Spotted In The Wild, Runs 1080p And Windows CE Platform

Korean company Viliv, that already proved us it can release great.

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Computers News

Freescale's 7-Inch Smartbook Tablet Officially Announced, Boasts an Enticing Design And $200 Tag

Freescale is already staring eyes towards the CES show, which goes.

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CES Computers News

MSI Wind U160 Is All Set For a CES Glory With $350 Tag And Atom N450 Inside

For a start, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude and.

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Audio Media Players Video

RAmos' 5-inch T11TE Joins The Growing HD PMP Lineup, But Makes No Difference

Chinese corp RAmos seems to be releasing HD players on a.

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Computers News

Fusion Garage's 12.1-inch JooJoo Tablet Introduced, Suppose To Replace The Uncompleted Crunchpad

Still clashing off court (and soon probably on court) with TechCrunch.

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Computers News

Asus Eee Box EB1501 Gets A Video Preview, Comes With Nvidia ION And Windows 7 Inside

Asus is on a roll, brings Nvidia ION capabilities into its.

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Camangi WebStation Android Tablet Sets To Go Live In The Coming Months

Tablets, Androids, portable devices, we keep hearing them a lot, everywhere.

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Audio Media Players Video

Viewsonic's VPD400 MovieBook Media Player Officially Sprouts Out (Update: Along VPD500)

Viewsonic officially gets into the portable HD-compatible world, announcing the VPD400.

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Audio Media Players Video

Zune HD Firmware Update v4.3 Goes Live, Wider Keyboard and 3D Games support Included

Check this out guys, Microsoft has just rolled out firmware version.

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Computers News

Litl 12.1-Inch Webbook Announced, Little Netbook For a Big Price

Think there are too many portable machines out there? Make a.

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