Category Archives: software

10 Apps That Will Change The Way You Decorate


For most of us, revamping our homes is a laborious task that requires lots of hard work and money. Every element of your home has to be factored in – from paint colors to curtains. All of the demands a house revamp requires can be overwhelming. Fortunately for us, apps exist! There are apps for virtually everything, including home décor and DIY.

With app downloads projected to hit over 260 million in 2017, we are most definitely spoiled for choice! Whether need help choosing the best furniture for your space or simply looking for ideas, apps will help you design your dream home. With our busy lives it can be hard to find the time to source the best apps available on the app stores.

How do we know which ones are worth downloading and which are not? The people at Jarrimber have sourced ten of the best home décor apps that will guarantee interior excellence in your home! It includes Morpholio – which is an app that makes it easy to create mood/inspiration boards for your DIY project. It allows users to layout, collage and illustrate their mood boards with a series of photos, sketches and annotations. For this and more, let’s check out this infographic!

Have you downloaded any of these apps? How did it go? Tell us about it in the comment section below!

10 Essential Sailing Apps You Should Download Right Away


Preparation is essential for any pursuit in life, but especially one like sailing where there is a large element of risk if things go wrong. Before taking to open waters, you need to be well trained in operating a boat and you need to have acquired a sizeable amount of knowledge so that you’ll know what to do, or at least be able to use a calculated judgement, if a challenging situation arises.

In fact, even the most experienced of sailors still crave every bit of information and guidance that they can access, which is why they are likely to have a large chunk of their smartphone memory taken up by sailing-related apps. Their catalogue of apps is likely to contain some that help with navigation, some that provide live information on tides, some that are great for tutorials and some that are essential for reference. The Boater’s Pocket Reference, in particular, is one app that should be on the smartphone of any sailing enthusiast, regardless of whether they’re never sailed before or have first-hand experience of all of the world’s seas.

This infographic from East Fremantle Yacht Club profiles 10 apps that are sure to be of enormous benefit to any sailor. Check out the full list below…you might just spot one or two that aren’t in your collection!

Best Mobile Business Productivity Apps For People On The Go


Heard of Expensify? It is one of the best apps for quick expense reports with more than 2.5 million users around the world. Looking for mobile email that works on any device, for any email account? Try Outlook for Mobile. Acompli, the developers of the app sold it to Microsoft for $200 million, such was the demand for the app.

Need an app that will keep all of your sensitive information safe? Use 1Password where everything in your app vault is protected by a master password that only you know. Are you in the market for an app that will make meetings so much more streamlined? GoToMeeting is the top choice for when everyone involved cannot physically be in a meeting room together.

Are you a team leader or a department head? Need to keep on top of what your team are doing to report back to the ‘higher-ups’? Keep everything on deadline and easily accessible with Trello, the app that works best for delegating team work and keeping your projects running smoothly.

For a more detailed look and visual illustration of these apps, see the infographic below which has been created by the Brighton School of Business and Management.

10 Great And Absolutely Free Home Security Apps [Infographic]


We all want our homes to be protected as much as possible from would-be burglars and vandals, and many of us will try to deter such nefarious activity by installing CCTV cameras on our property. But what happens when we leave home for a prolonged while, maybe to go on holidays, for example? We can’t watch over our property then, can we?

Now we can, thanks to the abundance of home security apps that are available for your smartphone or tablet. There are numerous apps that you can download for this purpose, and many of these home security apps will cost you nothing to install. Did you ever think that you would be able to keep an eye on your home from thousands of miles away, simply by looking at a personal handheld device? It might seem like something out of a thriller movie, but now it has become reality, and a welcome reality at that, too.

This infographic from JMC Technologies identifies 10 home security apps that meet with the approval of a security expert and are free to download. Why live in fear when, in the space of a few minutes, you can install a series of apps that will enable you to watch out for your property at anytime from anywhere. It’s a no-brainer, really.

8 Free Apps Every Event Planner Needs


From social media to emails, photography to seating details, when it comes to event planning, there is a lot to manage! Even the smallest of details require a lot of your time and thought and because of this, a lot of the time, tiny details can go unnoticed. Lucky for us event planners, there are now hundreds of thousands of apps available that are designed to make planning any event easier and less stressful. Though there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, these apps will help you manage your workload with more efficiency.

Team BAWE have gathered eight of the most excellent event planning apps and created the infographic below detailing all of their features. In the event planning business, time is always of the essence. Which apps are worth your time and which apps are not? Customer reviews are helpful on Google Play and IOS online stores, but with so much choice, how do we know which ones are the best for our needs? The apps listed below are the top in their class and a must for any event planner or organizer. Let’s have a look!




Best Apps for Students – Infographic


Studying and revising can be a chore. Working towards achieving a qualification is the focus for many and it can be difficult to stay focussed. Keeping on top of assignments and study is challenging and it certainly requires an element of determination, concentration and perseverance.

It is important to find what works best for you in terms of study. Some people find they work best alone in a quiet room while others need to work in groups. Sometimes it’s healthy to get a mix of both. Studying in groups can be useful if for example, you are struggling on some aspect of a course and require some guidance from others. They can learn from you as you discuss the topic and you expand your knowledge and understanding of the subject.

In order to keep stress at bay when studying, it’s important to eat a balanced diet. Try not to fall into the trap of eating easy to prepare junk food because your body will need all the nutrients in order to ensure your study is good. Being organised in all aspects of your student life is really important and will stand to you in the long run. Panic studying never works well so try to plan out your study times well in advance of exams or final assignments.

Make good use of your lecturers and tutors and ask for their assistance if you are finding a particular subject difficult. Expressing interest will show your enthusiasm and dedication and they will admire this and will be willing to offer your help for those tough areas.

This infographic from Study Medicine Europe is a handy guide for students of apps that they can download to their phone or tablet that will assist in making their studying and revision work more efficient. Check it out below.


The Ultimate App Guide For Carpenters And Handymen


In 2016, there is an app for everything. Increasingly, apps are becoming more important in industry, in particular the construction industry. There are so many to choose from. Having a full range of tools is key for all carpenters. Luckily as technology expands, there are more and more ways that apps can help you with your job. In fact, IOS and Google Play app downloads topped over 260 billion over the past year. With your smartphone or tablet, carpenters now have a huge range of tools ready for you to use at the tap of your finger. As a result of the massive increases in app developments, consumer reviews are crucial – how else will we know which apps work and which don’t? The below infographic from Jarrimber shows us all the best apps that are available to carpenters that we should be downloading right now.

Have you tried any of these apps? Let us know below!


5 Most Creative Applications of Voice Tech


Twenty years ago, telling your phone to schedule reminders, open apps, and answer what is zero divided by zero was unfathomable. The average person wouldn’t believe that voice tech would become a reality.

Fast forward to the present. Speech recognition technology has been woven into our lives as personal assistants. They’ve helped simplify the way we use our phones. They’ve opened a new frontier of learning for blind people. And they’ve given our phones character, for those moments where talking to your voice assistant soothes you.

So, out of the plethora of speech recognition apps out there, what are the best out of the rest? What five apps have completely revolutionized human interaction with their phones and/or computers? Keep reading to find out.

  1. Siri

Siri, the personal assistant app found on devices utilizing Apple’s iOS was first introduced on October 4, 2011. Siri’s unveiling coincided with the release of the iPhone 4S and iOS 5.

Since that day, it has been a mainstay on all Apple devices and has spawned plenty of meme-worthy moments.  In addition, others followed suit with Google Now and Cortana being released.

With Siri, users could send text messages using their voices, make dinner reservations, flip a coin, display movie times, place a call, set a reminder, set an alarm, tell you the calories in a Diet Coke, show you flight times and train times – you get the point. The capabilities of Siri are almost infinite, and she continues to get better and better with every update.

Siri was a catalyst for voice technology in phones. If Siri had been poorly received, do you think Cortana or Google Now would’ve been released?

  1. Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeaking (Dragon from here on out) has become one of the most efficient voice recognition tools on the PC platform. The ability to take what you say and put them into words has simplified the way we type.

The software was developed by Nuance and has been designed for personal and commercial use. It may not be perfect (no speech recognition service is), but it is one of the best voice technology software out there.

Long gone are the days when you had to sit hours at the computer typing up documents and articles. Dragon has finally done what we’ve all been dreaming about, for which it rightfully earns its place on this list.


  1. Pro

One of the biggest problems society faces today is distracted driving. In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in accidents involving distracted drivers. A big culprit behind that startling number is texting while driving. But aims to combat that.

The app reads your most recent text message to you and you can reply using your voice – all hands-free.

It’s a creative idea that aims to address the issue of texting while driving. As long as the app’s functionality continues to improve, it could be a lifesaver for many drivers who suffer from being distracted on the road.

  1. Google Voice Search

See that little microphone in the Google Search box? That’s Google’s own little piece of voice tech that many people often overlook. What lands it on this list is how impressive the accuracy is. It’s not 100%, but it certainly makes a case for it. Next, Google’s search was already fast. Adding voice search has only made the process quicker.

  1. Ford SYNC

Voice recognition software in cars has largely been useless up to this point. Yes, they can play music on demand or activate the GPS, but Ford SYNC has been the pinnacle of speech recognition in cars for a long time.

Ford SYNC has been available in the Explorer, Focus, Mustang, Escape and Fusion models since 2007. The service has over 10,000 commands, including real-time traffic, directions, and streaming music from your phone. All this can be controlled through you voice with the right words.

So these are the most creative apps that utilize voice technology. All these apps manage to utilize the tech in a way that it has become an integral part of our lives. Voice technology only has more room to surprise us with the next trick it has up its sleeve.


This is a guest post by Jessica Kane, a professional blogger who writes about technology and other gadgets and gizmos aplenty. She currently writes for Total Voice Tech, her go to for all professional Dragon products.

Here’s How To Choose The Right App For Your Kid


We all know that these days students expect to access information using technology & they are comfortable with that. With the increment in cheaper smart-phones & good 3G-4G network, It is expected to  smartphone users count is going to reach around 1.75 billion. With the help of mobile apps it is very easy to access information anywhere anytime is always a big plus. By using chat rooms & discussion boards student can be engaged in a discussion outside of the class without having to go to the college. There are so many mobile apps have been launched by companies that are helpful for students & teachers. In infographic Tutors umbrella have attempted to explain how anyone can choose best mobile app.



The History of Microsoft Windows [Infographic]


Are you a PC or a Mac user? Either way, you can’t really deny the success that Windows have had over the years – being the world’s number one operating system for PC users, but success aside, are you aware of all the things Windows have gone through since the launch of their very first operating system?

Thankfully, an infographic has been released by Best STL which manages to detail the rich and ground-breaking journey that the Windows platform has gone through in its 30 year lifetime.

Windows 1 was launched in 1985 – a year after the very first Apple Macintosh computer was released. Primarily run on MS-DOS installations, which allowed pre-existing MS-DOS software and new graphical programs to be run. The reception of the operating system was met with mixed responses from critics, but that was not to stop the company from moving forward in realising the power that Windows had.

Three years later and Windows 2 was released. This marked an important occasion for the company as it was the first system that featured Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel –essential software that is still widely used today.

In 1990, Windows 3 was released & was the most comparable version to the Apple software, with graphical advancements that made it the most successful version of Windows thus far. It was also the first version to be pre-installed on hard drives by PC-compatible manufacturers, allowing consumers to have the system on their PC straight out of the box.

The success of Windows heightened with the releases of Windows 1995 and 1998 as more and more people started owning computers in their homes. Alongside the release of Internet Explorer, this meant there was more demand for a PC than ever before.

The most popular version of Windows probably still stands at 2001’s release of Windows XP. According to an article in 2009, it was reported as “still having nearly 59 per cent market share” and there is still demand for updates today. Even after the releases of Vista, 7, 8 and 9.

It’ll be interesting to see what Windows 10 brings when it is released at the end of July. Will it be a Windows 98 or XP type release or will it make just as much of an impact as the Millennial Edition or Windows 8 did? Have a look at the infographic below.


Microsoft Apps to Come Preloaded On LG, Sony, Other Android Tablets


Microsoft is one of these tech-oriented giant companies that seem to know a thing or two about software distribution across the pond. But what about apps? Glad you asked, because there’s something going on around the business of this corp these days – strategic wise, of course. Based on the details shared, the Windows maker announced that it has officially partnered with more than 20 Android tablet makers, among them are also big leaders like LG and Sony, to bundle its apps on future tablet versions or updates. Some of the apps which are due to come pre-loaded inside include the popular video messaging app Skype, as well as Bing, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook Word, Excel, and a variety some others. A sort of an Office Suite, if you will. The purpose of this move is likely to create a cross-platform functionality for its apps. Whether this is an indication that Microsoft is giving up on its own platform or not, I have no idea, but time will surely tell.

[Microsoft Blog]

Apple Releases First Watch OS Update


Apple is officially rolling out the first Apple Watch OS update which appears to be available for download right away. That, of course if you’re an iPhone user with iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4. The new update (Version 1.0.1) can be downloaded by going to the General section, and tapping on the Software Update on your iOS device. The new release is claiming to provide several performance improvements, as well as display support for new emoji characters and more additional languages onboard (including Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Thai and Turkish).

Apple notes that the new update includes performance improvements and bug fixes as follows:

  • Siri
  • Measuring stand activity
  • Calculating calories for indoor cycling and rowing workouts
  • Distance and pace during outdoor walk and run workouts
  • Accessibility
  • Third-party apps

Installing the new update requires you to have the Apple Watch charged above 50%, with the smartwatch connected to a local WiFi network.

10 Best Educational apps For Teachers and Students


It’s almost impossible to keep children away from the computer or their Smartphone these days. We are fighting a losing battle if we try to stop them spending a lot of time on their phone but it is possible to encourage them to make better use of that time with some direction from the parents.

There are apps available that can be hugely beneficial to children of all ages. This means that your children can still spend a lot of the time on their phone but it is now educational and fun for them. Also, there are some apps that can be used in the classroom that may transform the way our children learn. That’s the amazing thing about apps these days, technology means that children can use educational apps that will make them better at Math or English, while having fun at the same time.

There is a lot of help online for parents who want to encourage their children to use educational apps. The list of the best educational apps here for teachers and students is a good starting point and you are sure to find one your children will like in there.

This info-graphic from The Tutoring Expert outlines the benefits of mobile apps for children & gives you a guide for selecting these apps along with recommendations for the best educational apps currently available.


Google Chrome: How It Won The Browsers Battle


Web browsers have become such a fundamental part of our digital lives. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t use one on a daily basis?!

The launch of Google’s Chrome in 2008 looked unlikely to knock Internet Explorer out the water but flash forward to now and it’s done that and much more.

On its way to glory, Google’s browser outpaced its Mozilla rival by taking a slice of 42.74 percent of all desktop browser market share, with Internet Explorer gaining 13.17 percent in the second place, and Mozilla Firefox with only 11.72 percent on the third.

Chrome has definitely conquered the world, with the popular browser continuing to dominate all three major channels: mobile, desktop and tablets.


Find out how it reined supreme here:



Infographic is courtesy of cloudsolutions

Apple’s iOS 8.3 Is Out Now, With New Emojis, Bug Fixes and Wireless CarPlay Support


Apple has just rolled out iOS 8.3. This ain’t a big release, but iPhone and iPad owners expecting to upgrade their iDevices should be looking at some truly fantastic improvements inside, including the usual mix of bug fixes for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3rd-party keyboards, and such, as well as a few tasteful enhancements, such as the wireless CarPlay for in-car support, along with some 300 types of emoji for fun. In this context, we should also mention that the new update lists a whole new version of keyboard under the lid, boasting a new scrolling UI.

The latest release also includes a brand new set of languages for Siri, amongst which you might find Russian, Danish, Dutch, Thai, Swedish, Turkish and Portuguese.

In addition to that, Apple has also added an option to download free apps without the need to enter your password, along with the option to report any junk or spam to filter out iMessages that are not sent by your contacts.

Lastly, the update is also said to improve stability and performance of the overall platform, but that is part of the regular ongoing efforts. With that in mind,  there’s also now iCloud Photo Library support which has been optimized to work with the new Photos app on OS X 10.10.3.

Like any previous update release, the software upgrade is likely to be available as an over-the-air update on the Settings section of your iPhone or iPad, as well as on iTunes 

First Apple Watch Apps Start Showing Up On iTunes


The Apple watch may not be available till April 24th, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pretend to own one. Well, not exactly the watch itself but more like some of the third-party apps people can expect to use on the watch. As some of you may have noticed, a few selected apps which have been specifically designed to be used on the Cupertino smartwatch, are starting to hit Apple’s own App Store today. Among these new applications, you can find some of the most popular ones such as Twitter, WeChat, Expedia, Things, Target, Dark Sky and numerous others, all of which are now available for download to your iPhone.

Mind you, there is no clear option to be able to use the apps with a smartwatch functionality, other than your daily regular use – that option will only be valid for those who’ve had a previous matching sync (between the watch and their phones) like journalists, for example, who have tested the watch before; the rest of us will have to wait patiently.

More of these apps are expected to roll out as we draw closer to the official release of the watch.

[via Cult of Mac]



InboxVudu Helps You Quickly Get to the Important Emails In Your Inbox


I’m sure you all probably know how utterly frustrating it is when you get your mailbox full of email that you just don’t have the time of day to read and respond. The tricky part is that you can’t actually see or decide which is more important than the other and therefore should be given priority when you finally have some guilt-free time left over.

InboxVudu is a new startup that’s looking to solve this problem. The service which was recently launched to the market in Beta mode and which is claiming to be your inbox’s best friend, will help its users to determine the importance of each email that finds its way into their inbox, by (hopefully) letting them know in case they happen to find themselves “in danger of missing an important email or forgetting to follow up with someone on time.”


The service which uses advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies will basically hook up with your Gmail or Google Apps account in just a few clicks, while working silently in the background to make sure you get some sort of a “too long, didn’t read” version of your incoming emails and help ensure that you do not forget to respond to those important messages getting lost in the rest of the inbox.

Although the service is in private beta, InboxVudu was nice enough to give Technologer readers 100 invites so that you can try it out, free of charge.

IKEA Introduces a Cool Emoticons Keyboard For iPhone and Android Phones

When you think about the name IKEA, you usually think of something that looks like it belongs in the home decor department, right? Well, more or less, but not necessarily at all times. What else could IKEA possibly offer other than modern beautiful furniture combinations? Um.. I think it is a question of using imagination rather than logic. Why? Because the Swedish giant have gone and released a mobile keyboard for iOS and Android devices.

That’s right, IKEA now has its own keyboard app that will help you visually communicate your emotions using Emojis and Emoticons. The aim, IKEA explains, is to provide a better way to improve communication between people who decided to live together, in the sense that a lot of arguments revolving around the clutter issues inside the house, and the app, which has just been released, is going to help them out by letting them download the keyboard and ultimately, make their life a lot more successful and organized.

With that, IKEA thinks that you will add more happiness, peace, and universal love to your life.

Does it make any sense to you?

[youtube id=”UX02Ecfhndk”]

20 Apps That Will Help You Increase Productivity at Work

Staying productive at work is something that many of us often struggle with throughout the day. And don’t get me wrong, it’s not that we are incapable of doing anything, it’s that sometimes we can’t rouse ourselves to get things done. This struggle often results in the wrong ranking of plans, even when we think we are on the right way and follow the established collection procedures.

What’s the best way to handle this stuff, you guys are asking? One thing which is particularly helpful to people in the long run is to search, find, and use the best working methods available. Another, is to select some third-party apps that will eventually leverage your productivity at work.

We acknowledge the fact that different people may have different needs, and different needs may ultimately require different apps, but the general idea is to get everyone the best configuration that can exploit their creativity and productivity at work.

For this reason we have decided to share this cool infographics with some of the best apps to help you be effective and accurate in your daily complicated tasks. Check out the full list below and let us know what do you use to stay productive.



Infographic is courtesy of Open Colleges

10 Best Construction and Building Mobile Apps [Infographic]

Do you have any plans to develop a new apartment or renovate your old house with new exciting design?

It’s 2015, and technology in the building & construction industry is becoming more and more influential. This is because there are apps becoming available that make things so much easier for builders. The current batch of building apps have the potential to greatly improve efficiency and also improve safety on a building site. There is much less chance of making a mistake when using these highly rated building apps.

Some of these building apps charge a fee but just looking at the reviews it seems they are well worth the small investment. There are also many free building apps that are really simple to use and would be handy for anyone involved in any type of construction.

So If you are looking for a handy dandy set of tools to help you out with a new home design, just take a look at this cool list of practical and useful apps.

Infographic is courtesy of Calgary Window & Door Guys 

Apple Releases iOS 8.1.3 With Bug Fixes And Performance Update


Today Apple released iOS 8.1.3, with bug fixes and performance improvement to the line of devices running iOS 8. In this context, the new update reduces the amount of storage required to install software updates over-the-air. The rationale beyond this move is to provide effective solution to the common complaints about ridiculous requirements to have at least 5GB of free storage on your iDevices in order to successfully install the company’s firmware update.

Apple has also fixed some bugs in this update which address issues that prevented users from entering Apple ID passwords for use with Messages and FaceTime, as well as an issue that stopped multitasking gestures on the iPad, a bug that causes some absence of results on the Spotlight search, and additional configuration options education standardized testing.

The new firmware updates can be installed in the following devices: iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 PlusiPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPod touch, 5th-generation.


Apple-iOS 8.1.3-software-update

6 Great Apps for Avid Coffee Lovers [Infographic]

Coffee is something that most of us count on as our daily fix or pick-me-up. In fact, Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day, that’s equivalent to 146 billion cups of coffee per year! It’s no surprise then that a range of apps have been built around this much loved beverage.

This cool infographic provides a round-up of some of the best apps for coffee lovers at the moment. Whether you’re a coffee amateur or a coffee connoisseur, we’ve got for you a digital solution in the palms of your hand . Below, you’ll find a list of apps that will help you out either when you’re interested in finding out about an app that can help you discover your nearest independent coffee house or learn about an app that allows you to record all your co-workers coffee preferences to make ordering coffee a stress-free affair. If you enjoy making coffee at home, that’s not a problem at all, there’s also an app that provides you with a whole host of amazing coffee recipes.

Go check ’em out and cheers!



Infographic is courtesy of Espresso works

Apple Releases iOS 8.1.1 To The World With Bug Fixes And Speed Performance Improvement


Apple has just released iOS 8.1.1 with some minor bug fixes for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. In addition to that, the new release is set to bring a few several improvements to Apple’s latest and greatest iOS platform including a few security updates, as well as an increased stability, and for the major part, performance improvements for some of the company’s oldest devices including the iPhone 4s and iPad 2, which have apparently become somewhat sluggish with iOS 8.


iOS 8.1.1 is available immediately as an OTA download. Simply go to to Settings > General > Software Update. the update is relatively small and should be

iOS 8.1.1 is compatible with the following iDevices:

  • iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPad 2, iPad (third-generation), iPad (fourth-generation), iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini with Retina display
  • iPod touch 5G

Get it now and  feel free to report back if you run into any problems.

Android 5.0 Lollipop Update Now Available for Nexus Devices


It’s Android Lollipop day, as Google has announced it will officially start rolling out OTA updates for its latest and greatest Android 5.0 OS to several Nexus devices, including the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 10, which will go straight from KitKat to Lollipop, Nexus 7s, plus the Nexus 6 and 9 which are both currently getting “minor” bugfix updates. It appears that Samsung and Sony users will have to wait a bit longer for this update as well as Nexus 4 and 3G/LTE versions of the Nexus 7 devices.

According to a recent post on the Google Product Forums the details of the new update are as follow:

The over-the-air update for Lollipop is now starting! The update is starting for these devices:

Nexus 6: Minor update to address bugs
Nexus 9: Minor update to address bugs
Nexus 5: Update from KitKat to Lollipop
Nexus 7 WiFi (2012 & 2013): Update from KitKat to Lollipop
Nexus 10: Update from KitKat to Lollipop
It will also be put up on Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

Note: The OTA update for 3G/LTE versions of the Nexus 7 2012 and 2013 have not yet started, nor have they started for the Nexus 4!

The files are available for download now from Google’s developer site.

Update: Motorola has also announced an official OTA release of the latest Android Lollipop update for its second-gen Moto G and Moto X mobile devices. The mobile company has posted on its website the following:

We’ve started to roll out Lollipop in phases just a week after the public release of the software to the following devices in the US -Moto X (2nd Gen.) Pure Edition, Moto G (2nd Gen.) US GSM, and Moto G (2nd Gen.) Global GSM retail versions sold in the US.

Apple Releases iOS 8.1 With Apple Pay, iCloud Photo Library Services On Board


Apple has just released iOS 8.1 to fix some issues that affected iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who have previously downloaded iOS 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 which have profoundly impacted cellular network connectivity and Touch ID handling. In addition to that most users have also reported problems with abnormal battery drain, and a slow performance in surfing Safari that the firmware update is going to solve (hopefully, once and for all).

iOS 8 was officially released to the world on September 17th, followed by iOS 8.0.1 which was instantly pulled out due to massive bug reports. Apple then released iOS 8.0.2 on September 26th, and now the iOS 8.1 update.

Apple-iOS 8.1-Update

With iOS 8.1, Apple will also introduce Apple Pay for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The service will be offering Apple users to tap their fingers on the rounded home button sensor in order to complete a mobile transaction through the terminal. The update will also include a beta version of the iCloud Photo Library service, which basically lets you auto-save your entire media library in the cloud , some further more continuity features and support for SMS messaging on both the iPad and Mac.

iOS 8.1 is compatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad (third-generation), iPad (fourth-generation), iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini with Retina display and iPod touch (fifth-generation). You can easily update to the latest version of iOS either manually, through iTunes, or using OTA. Mind you, that the servers might be painfully slow.

Let us know if you are experiencing any issues with your Apple iDevice after loading iOS 8.1 on board.


Apple Releases iOS 8, Now Available For Free Download



Just In Time — Apple has officially released its new firmware update to the iPhone and iPad software. Apple’s new mobile operating system , iOS 8, is now available for free download for a number of products, but If you’re getting an error – please be patient – it’s probably because the servers are getting overloaded right now.

The new iOS 8 is compatible with:

iPhone 4, 4s and 5, iPod Touch 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB (5th generation), iPad 2, with retina display and iPad mini.

It’s not a big change, but it’s definitely a little better. People who buy an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus will get iOS 8 pre-installed, while the rest will have to get it from iTunes. Here’s a short list of some of the best new features in iOS 8: Device Continuity, QuickType/3rd party keyboard support, HealthKit tools, HomeKit controls, iCloud drive, Family sharing app, Improved messaging features (photos and voice), New integrated Spotlight search system, Additional camera video capabilities (such as time-lapse), Interactive actionable notifications platform, Fresh Siri features (‘Hey Siri”), New “Contacts” look,  and a WiFi calling support.

There are two ways to get the new update for your iDevices:

1) Go to Settings > General > Software Update, and hit the “Download and Install” button. After you have it downloaded onto your slab, click the “Install” button and wait for the process to be over.

2) iOS 8 can also be downloaded on your computer via iTunes, and it requires Apple’s latest release version.

Update: Make sure you have at least 5GB+ to install iOS8.

Hit the Play to watch the video

[youtube id=”dcHCplLIU_A”]

Video courtesy of zollotech

Apple iOS 7.1.1 Officially Released For iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch


Apple has just rolled out a new version for iOS 7. The update which is tagged as iOS 7.1.1 (Build 11D201) is now available for download via Software Update in your settings area, featuring some bug fixes to the operating system, as well as security updates.  More particularly, this minor update is offering a noticeable improvement in Touch ID fingerprint recognition, a small fix to an issue with the Bluetooth keyboards used with VoiceOver commands, Safari support for new top-level domains, and a slow keyboard responsiveness bug fix.

The latest version fully supports Apple devices such as iPad 2 or later, iPhone 4 or later, and fifth-generation iPod touch.

Apple- iOS 7.1.1-update

This update contains improvements, bug fixes and security updates, including:

  • Further improvements to Touch ID fingerprint recognition
  • Fixes a bug that could impact keyboard responsiveness
  • Fixes an issue when using Bluetooth keyboards with VoiceOver enabled



iPhone App Rollit Will Help You Sync Your Photos With Ease

Rollit  photo transfer app

Yesterday, a friend of mine was asking for my help. He was going through a simple iphone restoring process (from his iTunes backup) but, alas! when he finished the update he was surprised to realize that all of his photos had gone missing. Thankfully, he had a second backup of the iTunes backup, and all he had wanted was to upload those pictures back onto the Camera Roll.

Sounds very easy, right? Well, not exactly. When you sync your iDevice with iTunes, you can easily add or remove your photo albums back and forth. However, it does not export directly to the Camera Roll. iTunes just doesn’t let you transfer your photos in there, but in whatever album you had organized them into.

Camera Roll is like your temporary portable SD card, which needs to be cleaned up and wiped off from time to time. You can easily import photos from the Camera Roll directly to your desktop or laptop computers, whether via Apple’s iTunes or some other popular software solutions such as the iPhoto for Mac. Normally, it would let you sync in one direction, then you make a backup of your personal media libraries from your desktop to external hard drive storage.

But what if you insist to get your photos back to the Camera Roll? Well, that’s where you may have a problem. If your iTunes backup simply doesn’t work, you’ll need to find a different third-party solution. And that’s where the Rollit app can come to your help. It would clean up the mess of transferring photos or videos from your average desktop onto your personal iPhone, iPad or even your iPod — All of that in a matter of seconds (the total time taken may depend on the size of your album)

How does it work?

The app works through a regular USB connection which is 3x faster than your average WiFi connectivity. Simply connect your USB compatible device to your personal computer (no third-party software is required), fire up your iTunes, pick up your iDevice from the top menu bar , then choose the “Apps” tab page and scroll all the way down to the File Sharing area. Now, click on the Rollit icon to your left, hit the “add” button and choose any photo or video that you are interested in adding to your iOS device. At this point you need to mark them all (there’s no limit of size or number of transferred items and the app supports a wide range of multimedia formats, including jpg, gif, png, tif, tiff, bmp, bmpf, ico, cur, xbm, mov, mp4, m4v). Now that you have chosen the files, you can easily add them to the Rollit area where it will auto-sync with your Cupertino gadget. Select the items that you’d like to transfer to the Camera Roll, click the “Transfer” button aannd DONE! Your items will immediately show up again in your iphone/ipad/ipod’s Camera Roll. That easy. The app retains all the data, including metadata like Exif information or geo-location, and the media will be transferred in its full quality.

The app is $1.99 U.S., but here are 12 promo codes to the Technologer community. Enjoy!

[toggle title=”Promo Codes”]



iTunes Link :

[youtube id=”vJ76glTEKcc”]

Video courtesy of chamanchlach

Apple Rolls Out iOS 7.1 Update


Apple has just released to the public iOS 7.1, featuring a number of notable changes including official support for Apple’s in-car CarPlay system, a manual control how long Siri listens to your mobile devices, some calendar tweaks, a few minor bug fixes, and some tiny bits of integrated functions, such as faster iphone 4 experience, continued user interface refinements, an HDR auto settings improvement, and additional changes to the OS control.

Apple-iOS 7.1

Apple users with the following devices will be able to download the iOS 7.1 update over the air (OTA) or via iTunes: iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad Air, iPad mini with Retina display, iPad mini, iPad (3rd and 4th generations), iPad 2, and iPad touch (5th generation).


Here’s the complete list of fixes:

– iOS experience designed for the car
– Simply connect your iPhone to a CarPlay enabled vehicle
– Supports Phone, Music, Maps, Messages, and 3rd-party audio apps
– Control with Siri and the car’s touchscreen, knobs, and buttons

– Manually control when Siri listens by holding down the home button while you speak and releasing it when you’re done as an alternative to letting Siri automatically notice when you stop talking
– New, more natural sounding male and female voices for Mandarin Chinese, UK English, Australian English, and Japanese

iTunes Radio
– Search field above Featured Stations to easily create stations based on your favorite artist or song
– Buy albums with the tap of a button from Now Playing
– Subscribe to iTunes Match on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to enjoy iTunes Radio ad-free

– Option to display events in month view
– Country specific holidays automatically added for many countries

– Bold font option now includes the keyboard, calculator, and many icon glyphs
– Reduce Motion option now includes Weather, Messages, and multitasking UI animations
– New options to display button shapes, darken app colors, and reduce white point

– New Camera setting to automatically enable HDR for iPhone 5s
– iCloud Keychain support in additional countries
– FaceTime call notifications are automatically cleared when you answer a call on another device
– Fixes a bug that could occasionally cause a home screen crash
– Improves Touch ID fingerprint recognition
– Improved performance for iPhone 4
– Fixes display of Mail unread badge for numbers greater than 10,000
– Continued user interface refinements

[Apple, video by DetroitBORG]

iOS 7 Finally Gets an Untethered Jailbreak


According to a chart posted on Apple’s developer website in early December, iOS 7 adoption is already at 74 percent. This means that three quarters of Apple iDevices are closely familiar with the new operating system, and that’s A LOT. What else happened since then? Glad that you asked, because the iOS 7 officially has an untethered jailbreak, courtesy of the great Evasi0n7. The tool, which many of you may have expected to see, is now available for both Windows and Mac users and can snappily help you unlock any iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models running iOS 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3 and 7.0.4, including the new ones (e.g iPad Air and iPhone 5s). As usual you should proceed with caution and happy jailbreaking!

Click the source below to get the software.

[youtube id=”QcZaDZb3zcs”]


Apple iOS 7 Now Available Worldwide

Apple has officially begun to roll out the iOS 7 today, with users around the world now reporting to get the upgrade notification. Apple has made some significant changes to the interface of the new platform and has completely revamped the visual design of the operating system, including the apps, and much of the OS itself to be compatible with the 64-bit technology which the company will be using in future devices (starting with the new iphone 5S). Apple iOS 7, which includes a range of notable updates, is immediately available for download via iTunes or over-the-air (OTA), and supports iPhone 4 and later, ipad 2 and higher, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch fifth generation. As always, we recommend taking a full backup of your iDevice before updating the new firmware.

Update: Apple has just rolled out iTunes 11.1 with some notable features such as Podcast stations which sync over iCloud, Genius Shuffle which Apple defines as a magical new way to shuffle your music library, an expected sync compatibility with Apple devices that run under Cupertino’s “just-released” iOS-7, and probably the biggest of ’em all, the iTunes Radio that offers free music streaming based on your music preferences, a la Pandora.

Here’s the full Change log

iTunes Radio. iTunes Radio is a great new way to discover music. Choose from over 250 stations or start a new one from your favorite artist or song. Enjoy iTunes Radio ad-free once you subscribe to iTunes Match.

Genius Shuffle. Introducing a magical new way to experience your music library. Choose Genius Shuffle and iTunes instantly plays songs that go great together. Click it again to hear something new—enjoying your music has never been this easy.

Podcast Stations. You can now create custom stations of your favorite podcasts that update automatically with new episodes. Your stations, subscriptions, and current play position sync over iCloud to the Podcasts app.

Sync with iOS 7. You can now use iTunes to sync your favorite music, movies, and more to devices with iOS 7. In addition, iTunes now makes it even easier to quickly organize and sync apps to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Here’s How Mobile Apps Are Changing The World [infographic]

Smart phones are the latest buzz in the cell phone world. Scores of companies are churning apps by the hour and this infographic shows just what is happening in the world of mobile apps – popular apps, top categories, app stores etc. It has everything there is to know about mobile apps in a jiffy!

Apple’s App Store is leading the group with roughly 900,00 apps, to date (updated from wwdc2013 event), and 50 billion total downloads during a period of 5 years, or so. Android is right after, with about 800,000+ apps at the Google Play store, while the rest of the list is far behind, with Windows Phone Store featuring 145,000 apps, and Samsung Apps with only 13,000 apps at the moment. Check out the table to learn more about the numbers and info.

How Mobile Apps Have Changed the World

This infographic is courtesy of  Top Apps and Designed by

Image source: Lifehacker

Apple Releases iOS 6.1.3 To Fix Lock Screen Security Breach


Well, that didn’t take Apple too long to roll out a new iOS update, to correct several issues that cropped up with their latest 6.1/6.1.1/6.1.2 versions. The new release, which obviously gets the serial name of iOS 6.1.3, includes a few notable fixes for the iDevices platform, such as this small software trick that has given users the option to circumvent iPhone lock screen, without entering the proper code, and one or two performance improvements in the Japanese Apple Maps app, and some other pertinent security aspects. The update is now available in iTunes, and is also available over-the-air to existing iOS 6 users.

Update: You know what they say, it’s not over until it’s over. So, if Apple thought it has completely removed the lock screen bypass glitch, with the recent iOS 6.1.3 release, there seems to be another problem that may need a better solution. We won’t go into explaining the new issue again. Let’s just say it involves using the voice command feature and ejecting the SIM card tray. Hop past the break, and watch the walkthrough video (made by by YouTube user  videosdebarraquito).

[youtube id=”QCGJTuTZf8M”]



Apple iOS 6.1 Jailbreak Now Available


Well, ladies and gents, if you’ve been waiting for the chance to finally jailbreak your iDevices, in particular devices that run on Apple’s recent iOS 6.0 and 6.1 software, today is your day, at least according to one of the senior members at the jailbreaking group, that dropped the bomb, a few moments ago, about the upcoming. And if you take his words seriously, and you should, you can head over to this jailbreaking site called evasi0n and carefully begin to hack your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini. Mind you, this is an untethered jailbreak. Have fun!

Update: More than 270.000 users already downloaded the jailbreak to their iPhones and iPads. Note, that due to very high demand, the Evasi0n server has crashed, so be patient if you’re still interested in getting your mobile/tablet device hacked. Meanwhile, we can tell you that the new jailbreaking program is supported across all platforms, including Windows XP and higher, Mac OS X 10.5 and higher, or Linux x86 / x86_64 profiles, so you’re all covered. In addition, there’s a quick walkthrough guide that will teach you, step-by-step, how to jailbreak your iphone and ipad, so hit the play and watch the video

[youtube id=”IG4ugClw_pk”]

video courtesy of Cult Of Mac

Apple Rolls Out iOS 6.1 Brings LTE Support To 36 Additional Carriers and Siri Movie Ticket Booking


Apple has just released iOS 6.1, which is now available for various iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models. The new iteration which went out early this morning, and can be obtained either through iTunes or over the air, is Apple’s major release since last September, and said to include a 4G LTE support  for additional carriers around the world, as well as the ability to buy movie tickets in the US via Fandango, with Siri, the personal assistant. In addition to that, iTunes Match users are now able to download individual songs from iCloud, a feature that was there, then removed, and now making a comeback. But that’s not all, the Cupertino-based company has also added a few bug fixes to their recent pack, along with some tweaks to Safari, a minor design change to the music playback controls on the lock screen, some useful changes to the mapping software, and other useful things that can ease your work. Apple is slowly pushing its latest version out to the world, so be patient and check for updates. You can also read the full PR after the break.

Update1: Apple releases another iOS update (iOS 6.1.1), this time to fix some issues “… that could impact cellular performance and reliability for iPhone 4S.” The new update has been released a short time after a call message (via SMS) from some of the biggest European carriers, that warn their iPhone 4S users not to get Cupertino’s latest iOS 6.1 upgrade, due to 3G connection issues that prevented them from making calls with network coverage, or send text messages. In addition to that, there were minor problems with limited battery life and range, which made Apple release their next version really fast. Finally, you can easily get iOS 6.1.1 through your personal iTunes account or download it here. Update2:  And only few days after, Apple officially rolls out iOS 6.1.2 in order to fix those Microsoft Exchange bugs and pesky battery issues that were introduced in previous release. The new version is already available and can be obtained either via iTunes or through your iphone OTA update.

Apple Updates iOS to 6.1 New Version Adds LTE Support For 36 Additional iPhone Carriers Worldwide CUPERTINO, California-January 28, 2013-Apple® today updated iOS to version 6.1, adding LTE capabilities to 36 additional iPhone® carriers and 23 additional iPad® carriers around the world, so even more iPhone 5, iPad mini and iPad* with Retina® display users can experience ultrafast wireless performance** to browse, download and stream content at blazing fast speeds. To date, iOS users have uploaded over nine billion photos to Photo Stream, sent over 450 billion iMessages and received over four trillion notifications. “iOS 6 is the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, and with nearly 300 million iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices on iOS 6 in just five months, it may be the most popular new version of an OS in history,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “iOS 6.1 brings LTE support to more markets around the world, so even more users can enjoy ultrafast Safari browsing, FaceTime video calls, iCloud services, and iTunes and App Store downloads.” iOS 6 features include Siri®, which supports more languages, easy access to sports scores, restaurant recommendations and movie listings; Maps with Apple-designed cartography, turn-by-turn navigation and Flyover view; Facebook integration for Contacts and Calendar, with the ability to post directly from Notification Center, Siri and Facebook-enabled apps; Shared Photo Streams via iCloud®; and Passbook®, the simplest way to get all your passes in one place. Additional updates in iOS 6.1 include the ability to use Siri to purchase movie tickets in the US through Fandango, and iTunes Match℠ subscribers can download individual songs to their iOS devices from iCloud. The revolutionary App Store℠ offers more than 800,000 apps to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch® users, with more than 300,000 native iPad apps. App Store customers have downloaded over 40 billion apps, and Apple has paid over seven billion dollars to its incredible developer community. Customers can choose from apps in 23 categories, including newspapers and magazines offered in Newsstand, games, business, news, sports, health & fitness and travel. Availability iOS 6.1 is available as a free software update today. iOS 6.1 is compatible with iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad (third and fourth generation), iPad mini, iPad 2 and iPod touch (fourth and fifth generation). Some features may not be available on all products. For more information please visit

Apple Rolls Out iOS 6.0.2 For iPhone 5 and iPad mini


Apple has just released iOS 6.0.2, which is due to be available on iTunes in the following hour. The latest update includes a number of bug fixes, including a major fix for a bug that “could impact Wi-Fi.” The updated version is currently available only for iPhone 5 and iPad mini devices. People who own previous / other devices — Just continue on like nothing has happened.

Apple Rolls Out iOS 6.0.1

Apple has just released iOS 6.0.1 which can be now downloaded from iTunes or over-the-air. The latest update doesn’t seem to bring much of a change, besides some minor bug fixes that will make your iphone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) more stable when connected to WiFi networks, and fix the iphone 5’s OTA installation problem that so many people seem to suffer from. In addition, Apple’s recent upgrade is said to improve the behavior of the Camera flash inside your phone, as well as fix those pesky horizontal lines that may be displayed across your keyboard. Get it now, or read the full log after the break.

Update: Apparently, iPhone 5 users will have to install a special iOS updater app before they can add the new software update. 


iOS 6.0.1 Log

  • Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates wirelessly over the air
  • Fixes a bug where horizontal lines may be displayed across the keyboard
  • Fixes an issue that could cause camera flash to not go off
  • Improves reliability of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) when connected to encrypted WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
  • Resolves an issue that prevents iPhone from using the cellular network in some instances
  • Consolidated the Use Cellular Data switch for iTunes Match
  • Fixes a Passcode Lock bug which sometimes allowed access to Passbook pass details from lock screen
  • Fixes a bug affecting Exchange meetings

Apple’s iOS 6 Update Now Available For iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Apple’s iPhone 5 was announced a week ago, with sales hitting the 2 million mark in the first 24 hours. As part of the plan, the company is now slowly pushing out, via iTunes, its latest and greatest  iOS 6 as a free update for iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, and 5,  iPad 2 and the new iPad, as well as iPod touch 4th generation and 5th generation players. The new platform which Apple claims, brings over 200 new features to your iDevices, includes the new Maps, a smarter Siri personal assistant, Do Not Disturb, some tweaked phone capabilities, Facetime over cellular, improved mail features and Panoramic camera mode.

The update is OUT so get it right away! Also, if you are doing an Over-The-Air upgrade you should plug the phone into the wall.

Apple Officially Announces iOS 6 at WWDC With More Than 200 New Features


The WWDC 2012 keynote at Moscone Center has ended not long ago. During the Worldwide Developers Conference Apple did not announce any new iPhone 5 hardware, nor did it unveil a 7-inch iPad or a new TV set. Instead, we got a truck load of cool announcements, including a new line of Macs and the all new iOS 6. This post will focus on the iOS 6 that has added more than 200 new features to the next-gen mobile platform, and will hopefully go live sometime this fall (developers version to be available today).

But before we start, we would like to share some interesting facts that Apple has reported for the keynote. Currently, the App store has about 400 million user accounts with a valid credit card attached – “This is the store with the largest number of accounts with credit cards anywhere on the internet that we’re aware of,” says Mr.Cook. There are more than 650,000 apps available to download, 225,000 are made for the iPad. During the years, Cupertino has paid out over $5 billion to developers, and users have downloaded merely 30,000,000,000 apps in total.

As for iOS stats, 365 million iOS devices sold through March, 1.5 trillion push notifications created on iOS, 150 billion iMessages sent, and 10 billion tweets were launched from iOS 5.

So what’s new in iOS 6?

Siri, the queen of the platform, just got a whole lot smarter. From now on it will get you, on real time, all the sporting details you’d expect, including scores, stats and game summaries. In addition, Siri can instantly launch any app in your phone, and is able to tweet your personal messages with a new voice dictation. Siri in iOS 6 will also integrate with iPad devices, and will gain knowledge in few more languages. It is also likely to get a smarter ‘Eyes Free’ car integration in the foreseeable future.

Facebook gets a deep integration in iOS 6, as well. Basically, it means that the process of importing contact lists from the popular social network to mobile is now a lot more simple. But that’s not all, my fellow readers… Both Facebook events and birthdays will be syncing with your smartphone on a daily basis.

Maps in iOS 6 are “a worldwide effort” says Apple. There’s a Turn-by-Turn navigation capability, and Siri, the automated voice, is also being supported, “Just ask Siri to take you somewhere and you’re on your way. Ask questions along your route, like where can I get gas?” and you’re on.

Other than that, we’re looking at some really solid features. I like that you’re getting Facetime over 3G, instant photo sharing over iCloud, “Do Not Disturb” notifications tweak, and a much better mail and Safari UI experience.

All in all, iOS 6 is likely to support  iPhone 3GS devices and later, iPad 2 / 3, and the iPod touch 4th generation.

[youtube id=”_2I5nDhnes8″]

[youtube id=”7h5KtC3m3YY”]



Apple Previews iOS 6 With All New Maps, Siri Features, Facebook Integration, Shared Photo Streams & New Passbook App

Available to iPhone, iPad & iPod touch Users This Fall

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today previewed iOS 6, introducing over 200 new features to the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, and released a beta version to iOS Developer Program members. iOS 6 will be available to iPhone®, iPad® and iPod touch® users this fall as a free software update. New iOS 6 features include: an all new Maps app with Apple-designed cartography, turn-by-turn navigation and an amazing new Flyover view; new Siri® features, including support for more languages, easy access to sports scores, restaurant recommendations and movie listings; Facebook integration for Contacts and Calendar, with the ability to post directly from Notification Center, Siri and Facebook-enabled apps like Photos, Safari® and Maps; Shared Photo Streams via iCloud®; and Passbook, the simplest way to get all your passes in one place.

“iOS 6 continues the rapid pace of innovation that is helping Apple reinvent the phone and create the iPad category, delivering the best mobile experience available on any device”
“iOS 6 continues the rapid pace of innovation that is helping Apple reinvent the phone and create the iPad category, delivering the best mobile experience available on any device,” said Scott Forstall, Apple’s senior vice president of iOS Software. “We can’t wait for hundreds of millions of iOS users to experience the incredible new features in iOS 6 including the new Maps app, expanded Siri support, deep Facebook integration, Shared Photo Streams and the innovative new Passbook app.”

iOS 6 includes an all new Maps app with vector-based map elements that make graphics and text smooth, and panning, tilting and zooming incredibly fluid. New turn-by-turn navigation guides you to your destination with spoken directions, and the amazing Flyover feature has photo-realistic interactive 3D views. Real-time traffic information keeps you updated on how long it will take to get to your destination and offers alternate time-saving routes if traffic conditions change significantly. Additionally, local search includes information for over 100 million businesses with info cards that offer Yelp ratings, reviews, available deals and photos.

Siri, now available for the new iPad as well as iPhone 4S, includes language support for English, French, German and Japanese, and adds support for Spanish, Italian, Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese. Siri is optimized for use in 15 countries and helps you get even more done with just your voice, whether it’s finding the latest sports scores or making restaurant reservations. You also can ask Siri to update your status on Facebook, post to Twitter or launch an app. Additionally, Siri takes hands-free functionality even further with a new Eyes Free mode, enabling you to interact with your iPhone using nothing more than your voice.

Built-in Facebook integration is the best ever in a mobile device, allowing you to sign in once and post from Notification Center, Siri and Facebook-enabled apps, including Photos, Safari and Maps. Your Facebook friends’ information is kept up to date across all your iOS devices, automatically updating details in Contacts when they change, and scheduling events and birthdays in your Calendar. You can also “Like” content directly from the App Store™ and iTunes® and see what your friends recommend.

With more than 125 million users already enjoying iCloud, iOS 6 introduces new ways to share photos with friends and family using Shared Photo Streams. Simply select the photos you want to share, pick which friends you want to receive the album, and the Shared Photo Stream album is instantly available on their iOS devices, iPhoto® and Aperture® on their Mac®, via the web or even through Apple TV®. You and your friends can leave comments on or “Like” any photo in a shared album.

The new Passbook app is the simplest way to get all your passes in one place, such as boarding passes and baseball tickets. Passbook lets you scan your iPhone or iPod touch to use a coupon, get into a concert or check into your hotel. Passbook automatically displays your passes on your Lock Screen based on a specific time or location, so when you walk into your favorite coffee shop your loyalty card appears and you can scan it to buy a coffee or check your balance. Passbook can even alert you to last minute gate changes or flight delays at the airport.

Building on Apple’s commitment to provide innovative solutions for education and accessibility, iOS 6 introduces Guided Access. This new feature allows a parent, teacher or administrator to disable hardware buttons to lock an iOS device into a single app, especially useful for test taking or helping someone with a disability stay focused on learning. Guided Access also includes the ability to confine touch input to certain parts of the screen.

Additional new iOS 6 features include:

• enhancements to Safari, the world’s most popular mobile browser, such as iCloud tabs, offline reading lists, photo uploads and full screen view;

• support for FaceTime® calls over cellular networks;

• the ability to set up a VIP Mailbox, making it easier to quickly view messages from important people you designate as VIPs;

• the option to decline incoming calls with a quick message, set a callback reminder and enable a new Do Not Disturb option; and

• a whole new set of improvements and services specifically for iOS users in China, such as improved text input and built-in support for popular Chinese services including Baidu, Sina Weibo, Youku and Tudou.


The iOS 6 beta software and SDK are available immediately for iOS Developer Program members at iOS 6 will be available as a free software update for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, the new iPad, iPad 2 and iPod touch (fourth generation) this fall. Some features may not be available on all products.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

Untethered iOS 5.1.1 Absinthe 2.0 Jailbreak Released

This is coming as very good news to those of us who have been waiting anxiously to jailbreak they’re iOS 5.1.1 devices, ever since the latest firmware update was officially out. A “large collaborative effort between Chronic-Dev Team and iPhone Dev Teams” made this possible for you guys to finally let the magic happen, and for those who’ve been waiting, the day has finally come. An untethered jailbreak tool called Absinthe 2.0 is now available through the well-known channels, supporting the following:

iPad1,1 – 2,1 – 2,2 – 2,3 – 3,1 – 3,2 – 3,3

iPhone2,1 – 3,1 – 3,3 – 4,1

iPod3,1 – 4,1

(Support for iPad2,4 will be added at a later date)

For further instructions and software download please visit here.

Update1: Make sure to check out the video after the break.

Update2: It looks like the Dev-Team has already released version 2.0.1 to fix the hanging issue.

[youtube id=”xV30IeIx8vs”]

Apple Rolls Out iOS 5.1.1 Update For iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Another day, another iOS update. This time, just a minor release from Apple that includes a number of bug fixes, HDR reliability improvement, a better Airplay video handling, a fix to the 2G/3G iPad issues and another one with the App Store notifications, where “Unable to purchase” alert could be displayed after successful purchase. The 5.1.1 version is also taking care of reliability for syncing Safari bookmarks and Reading List and it is now available for Cupertino’s iDevices via iTunes or over-the-air. Happy downloads!

And just in case you were wondering, iOS 5.1.1 has already been jailbroken.



iOS 5.1.1

This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

• Improves reliability of using HDR option for photos taken using the Lock Screen shortcut
• Addresses bugs that could prevent the new iPad from switching between 2G and 3G networks
• Fixes bugs that affected AirPlay video playback in some circumstances
• Improved reliability for syncing Safari bookmarks and Reading List
• Fixes an issue where ‘Unable to purchase’ alert could be displayed after successful purchase

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:

BlackBerry PlayBook Finally Gets The OS2 Update

I know a lot of Blackberry Playbook users have been waiting for this one for quite some time, the OS2 update. Well, February is already here and today is the day that RIM is finally delivering the goods. As far as Research In Motion’s concerned, we’re looking at a major firmware update which adds a lot of changes, such as native email, improved social media integration with popular services like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, a whole new homescreen UI, calendar and contacts, some Bridge modifications for those who have a BlackBerry smartphone and interestingly enough, the Android App Player add-on that will grant you access to a bigger choice of Android apps in the BlackBerry App World. The new release contains 505MB of code which can be downloaded either through your Playbook  Settings or here. In addition you can learn more and watch some walkthrough demos in this link. Other than that, you can hit the jump, read the full PR announcement or watch the latest video ad.

[via CrackBerry]

[youtube id=”oxZK2VJyqYs”]

BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 Available Today

New OS delivers an enriched user experience for BlackBerry PlayBook tablet users

Waterloo, ON – Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ: RIMM; TSX: RIM) announced that the new BlackBerry® PlayBook™ OS 2.0 will be released for download today. BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 delivers an enhanced tablet experience and allows you to use the BlackBerry PlayBook in new ways throughout the day – at work and at play. “Building on the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet’s proven web browsing, multimedia and multitasking strengths, the new BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 introduces a range of new communications and productivity enhancements as well as expanded app and content support,” said David J. Smith, SVP Mobile Computing, Research In Motion.

New BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 features include:

• Integrated email client with a powerful unified inbox: With BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 you have the option to use a unified inbox that consolidates all messages in one place, including messages from Facebook®, LinkedIn® and Twitter®, as well as personal and work email accounts.

• Social Integration with Calendar and Contacts apps: The built-in calendar harnesses information from social networks and makes it available where and when users need it. Contact cards are also dynamically populated with updated information from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create a consolidated view of contacts.

• Updated BlackBerry Bridge app: BlackBerry® Bridge™ is a unique app that provides a Bluetooth® connection between your BlackBerry PlayBook and core apps on your BlackBerry® smartphone (including BBM™, Email, Contacts, Calendar and Browser) in order to let you view the content on the larger tablet display. With BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, it’s easier and quicker than ever to take documents, web pages, emails and photos that appear on your BlackBerry smartphone and display them on your BlackBerry PlayBook for an optimized viewing and editing experience. The updated BlackBerry Bridge app also provides a new remote control feature that allows a BlackBerry smartphone to be used as a wireless keyboard and mouse for a BlackBerry PlayBook.

• Improved mobile productivity: Updated document editing functions, the new Print To Go app, and increased control and manageability of corporate data with BlackBerry® Balance ™ allow you to get more out of your BlackBerry PlayBook every day. Plus, an updated virtual keyboard with auto correction and predictive next word completion learns how you type to enable faster, more accurate typing.

• New apps and content: Thousands of new apps are being added to BlackBerry App World™ today (including a range of Android® apps that will run on the BlackBerry PlayBook). A new BlackBerry Video Store1 is launching today. Enhanced web browsing capabilities are also available with BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0.

In conjunction with the release of BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, RIM is making available an initial release of BlackBerry® Mobile Fusion that will include support for managing BlackBerry PlayBook tablets and BlackBerry smartphones2 in an enterprise. The full release of BlackBerry Mobile Fusion (with mobile device management capabilities for iOS and Android devices) is planned for general availability in late March 2012. For more information about BlackBerry Mobile Fusion, please visit Availability The BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 software update is now available as a free download for all BlackBerry PlayBook tablets.

Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Finally Goes Live

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. A “Dream Team” of iOS experts have just rolled out an untethered jailbreak for Apple’s dual-core A5 iDevices, dubbed Absinthe A5, and designed to target iPhone 4S and iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1 on board. Please note that it’s for Mac users only, at the moment, but a Windows version is probably going to be out very soon. As usual with most hacks, proceed with caution, but definitely proceed. Click the following link to learn more about the new release, get jailbreaking file here or hit the jump to watch the video.

Update: Well, that didn’t take long. Shortly after the Absinthe A5 untethered jailbreak released for OS X users, the Dream Team further extended their hacking solutions and returned back with a new jailbreak file, designed for Windows aficionados. So either click the source link below, or get the real thing right over here. Once again, you should plan carefully every step.

[youtube id=”ZKR7F-3kGvY”]

video by iJailbreak


HP TouchPads Get Ice Cream Sandwich Thanks To a CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 0 Release

If you’re one of those very lucky guys, who have managed to put their hands on HP’s “not available anymore”  Touchpad devices, you need to pay close attention to possible opportunities arising from an early Alpha 0 build of CyanogenMod 9 that lets you run your own edition of Ice Cream Sandwich instead of the pre-loaded WebOS platform available on board. Of course you can have a triple boot tablet constructed from webOS, CM7 and CM9 all together, but that’s not really recommended. However, toying with the idea of bringing this new Android 4.0 into the Touchpad, definitely is (even though you may run into some minor issues when it comes to the camera, video acceleration and Android Market access). To learn more, please visit the RootzWiki link below, or click the jump to watch the video.

[youtube id=”u8imU7nzLG4″]

[via RootzWiki]

The Apps That Make The BlackBerry Bold 9790 Best For Business

BlackBerry has built its reputation on its relationship with the business world. More than any other smartphone, BlackBerry’s long association with the corporate market has provided a good base for its success. The success of iOS and the growth of Android in 2011 has undoubtedly left manufacturer RIM in a weaker position in the UK, having been pushed into third place. However, the release of the new Bold range in 2011, with the Bold 9790 at the centre of the campaign, and the release of the new operating system, BB7, means BlackBerry is taking on its competitors and reinforcing its position in the business world.

The Bold 9790 includes many of the same features that have made BlackBerry a popular business brand, including the ability to set up different email accounts and instant messages, to multitask and browse the web while working on other platforms. It also includes some new features, like the ability to separate a personal and business profile within the one device. There are also different apps that can be downloaded to further utilize and maximise the ability of the Bold 9790 to meet the needs of the business community. Here are the top five.

Social Media networks like Twitter are becoming increasingly important for businesses as they allow people to share their commercial knowledge and connect their brand with consumers. Apps like UberSocial are ideal for BlackBerry as they allow users to manage multiple accounts and tweet easily on the move using the devices QWERTY keyboard.

Dropbox is a feature many will use day to day in work, allowing them to share documents and material remotely. BlackBerry App world has a version of the software that allows users to share and read documents on their drop box on their device.

Battery Booster is ideal for those who need their BlackBerry from the beginning to the end of the working day and might not have access to a charger. The app stops different applications which are draining the battery to ensure optimum performance and saving battery life for those apps you need most.

BlackBerry Traffic provides an up to date service which can be vital to make sure you get to meetings and appointments on time. The app gives information about roads that are closed and plans routes, gives an idea of traffic congestions and provides an estimated time of arrival making it easier to plan a journey.

The business day can be a busy one and often it is difficult to keep up to date with what is happening in the world. BlackBerry News is an app providing an RSS feed of the latest news headlines, allowing users to scroll through and get an update on developments. Easily to scroll through and read it makes it easier to catch up on the train or over lunch.

Apple and Android have both been making inroads into the business market over the last twelve months. RIM has seen its BlackBerry phone deals fall below a 20% share in the UK smartphone market. Their new launch of the Bold range, in particular the 9790 and the new OS7 is designed to catch up with its competitors and provide a new and improved platforms for the business market. These apps are designed for BlackBerry to make the working day a little bit easier.


This Article was written by Simon Drew from Best Mobile Contracts

Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak Officially Out

Ladies and gentlemen, the real untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak y’all been waiting for is finally out and ready to open a wide range of your personal Apple iDevices (including iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G), except the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, which carry inside an upgraded A5 chipset. No sign as to when these two might get their own jailbreaking release, but be sure we’ll have this one sooner rather than later. Those with the pre-A5 machines can use a combination of tools to approach their hack, such as Pwnage Tool,  redsn0w 0.9.10, and Chronic Devteam’s Cydia package (look for “Corona”). Hit the link below to learn even more or click the jump to watch the video (courtesy of Cydiahelp). Happy jailbreak!

[youtube id=”nLBvCIwaUOw”]

[via iPhone Devteam]


Is Ice Cream Sandwich an Apple iOS Threat?

Google’s newest Android operating system version has had experts and users alike sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting impatiently for the Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) to be delivered on mobile devices with all the bells and whistles of the ice cream truck. Users have delayed purchasing new mobile phones and tablets until the new operating confection was available. After all the headlines and the anticipation, does Android 4.0.- finally beat Apple’s iOS?

In some areas and functions, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” In other facets, it’s, well, “not yet.” While Ice Cream Sandwich does make user control of apps easier, animation less jerky and the interface more user-friendly, it can’t yet claim the fame of toppling iOS yet. But it’s getting there, and it’s our opinion that Apple should be getting very, very worried.


First, the good news: Many of the Gingerbread snafus, glitches and hang-ups are gone. Smoother operations are the norm with Ice Cream Sandwich. However, there still are a few that we’ll outline below.

The separated, dedicated Function keys permanently resting at the bottom of the screen are tremendous time savers. You want to return Home? Press the key. Want to head back one screen? Press that key. Want terrific apps management? Press that dedicated key. Forget a screen full of icons that you can’t see when surfing or texting or writing a note: The dedicated function keys are offset and separated from the used screen area. They’re always there – unless you deliberately use a full screen operation.

The user interface is a major improvement from Gingerbread (2.3) to Honeycomb (3.0) to Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0). Logical organisation is the key phrase. While there is still a learning curve for new Android users, learning to navigate the device is much simpler and shorter than ever. It’s not quite as intuitive and familiar as Win 7 or as easy as iOS, but it’s a major step up from Android 2.2 Froyo, Android 2.3 Gingerbread or Android 3.0 Honeycomb.

Quirks and Glitches

Alas, while apps are much more easily managed in ICS, many apps don’t work with ICS: The apps are made for Gingerbread; many won’t even download onto an ICS-driven device. Overall, Android apps are much fewer in number than Apple apps, and with the ICS compatibility issue, the Android number just dropped even farther.

The touch controls for apps might be nicer, but the touch controls still have a minute lag that is absent in Apple iOS. It’s better than it used to be, but the lag is still there. Because of that barely noticeable but noticeable delay, Ice Cream Sandwich can seem rather sleepy at times.

Future Possibilities

Android developers are extremely responsive to glitch reports, so much so that Ice Cream Sandwich has moved from the 4.0 original version to 4.0.3 in just a few weeks. It won’t be long at all before Android OS is a true, heads-on competitor with Apple iOS.

Apple’s iOS 5.0.1 is Officially Out, Fixes iPhone Battery Problems

Apple has just rolled out iOS 5.0.1  (build number 9A405) for its iDevices lineup, now available through your iTunes app. The new update, which many iphone 4s owners have been waiting for, fixes the pesky battery-draining problem that users were suffering from in iOS 5. In addition, the new release is offering a bug fix for uploading documents to the iCloud service and brings some new multitasking gestures for iPad’s first-gen. Happy updates!

Update: It’s a 790MB download if you’ll choose the iTunes path, or 44.6MB delta for those who will update wirelessly (OTA).

Apple iOS5 Now Officially Available

Apple has just pushed out iOS 5, one of its biggest updates ever, now available for download through your iTunes account, for  iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, third- and fourth-generation iPod touch, as well as both iPad 1 & iPad 2. iOS 5 includes more than 200 new features for your iDevices, among them: The notification center, iMessage, Newsstand, Reminders, integrated Twitter app, photo enhancements (plus grid & edit features), iCloud sync and backup for your mail/calender/contacts/notes/reminders etc. (you get 5GB of storage for FREE), WiFi sync capabilities, Airplay mirroring, multitasking gestures and more. In addition, Apple has also released iTunes 10.5 filled with iCloud support and plenty other goodies you will all get to try with iOS 5 on board. And speaking about the cloud, looks like is now officially LIVE and ready for use (in case you have iOS 5 or OS X  Lion client). Check out the video after the break.

Update: Apple has also released two new iOS apps, including AirPort Utility and Find My Friends, which can be downloaded via iCloud.

Continue reading Apple iOS5 Now Officially Available